Don’t listen to your parents

in #life7 years ago

So for my first actual blog post I'm going to go on a bit of a rant!

I'll start with a little bit about my past and an explanation as to why I'm so frustrated.

At the age of 3 I built my parents first PC installed windows 3.1 and showed them how to use it
a few years down the road and my parents divorced and my mother moved myself and my sister to the city from our little country town in South Australia .

We had lived there for a while and my mother ended up re marrying.

all throughout my school life I had been drawn and able to understand and pick up everything IT related very quickly but my mother and her new partner insisted it was a waste of my time and energy and that I should focus on leaving school early and getting a trade.
seeing as they are my parents I respected their advice and followed what they had to say I left high school at 16 and started an apprenticeship... the company they insisted I work for went bankrupt and I lost my job and never finished my apprenticeship flash forward another 3 or 4 years I start yet another apprenticeship that they said would be a great opportunity which I followed through and completed only to be told that the company I worked for was losing its contract and I had to be let go... wonderful
After months of job searching the entire country I realise that it was such a specialty trade that there was little to no work...
So until this day some 5 years later I’ve been working dead end useless jobs and well hating every minute of it because my family insist it’s the best idea to just keep earning...
This year I have decided it’s time to stop following my families advice and take on the world my own way! So I have started study IT at University and plan to do my best to follow my dreams in the next few years
My main goals are:
Finish my bachelor degree
Moved to Canada (my wife’s home country)
Get a dog (chow chow or golden retriever we haven’t decided so if anyone wants to post some pics of theirs to help us decide please do 😊)
Buy a tiny house

This ends my rant on how listening to your parents isn’t always the best idea in fact it’s generally a bad one in my opinion I’ve made plenty of bad life choices under their influence

I will be updating you all on our progress as things happen thank you to all who decide to follow me and to all who just read my blog for the fun of it ❤️