Powerful machines capable of causing death and destruction should be well-regulated.
Regulate guns in the same manner that we regulate cars.
Of course there is more to it than just that; gun violence is just one symptom of a failing society. The disease being, income inequality. Income inequality is created by corrupt Governments, the only way to stop this, is to get big money out of politics. Which politicians are trying to solve the problem and which ones are trying to profit? Nothing will change until we vote in a Government that cares more about our kids than their lobbyist contributions (legalized bribery).
These kids are awesome!!!
i'm totally agreed with you, it's also a corrupt problem.
it's ridiculous, i think get in a plane it's way more harder than buy dangerous weapons.
People in america have to get one, just one, really good and worried goverment that take place in the real problems and solve them.
A group of leaders that put american people before money, power and their lobbyist contributions like you say. It's a very complicated journey but i think, with kids like this USA may find them and get what they deserves, safety.