The road to success depends on yourself.

in #life7 years ago

An entrepreneur does not reach the top just to desire it, we have to face a strong path to achieve the success we love so much, now it happens if we are selfish when we reach the top ... Do not forget the humility with which we went rising little by little because we are no more than anyone to have money to the contrary in my opinion we should give a contribution to our society and motivate talent, because really in many places there are talents of different categories but there is no financial support.

It is sad to get to the top having so much money without knowing what to do with it and spending it on material things, and I know that many people will say it is my money and with it I do what I please but my thinking is to reach the top having a house, a car and be able to support talent and if it became so recognized nationally and internationally as it would give donations and seek the development of my country, I know it is something that will take time and maybe I will struggle to achieve it but one thing if it is clear Man with a new idea is crazy until he reaches his goal.

Help the neighbor is a good cause that can be done to humanity and that would improve the world, reduce crime and crime if people change their mentalities live in a better world and a better society but only prefer the blanket and harm others.

Disfruta de la vida al maximo como si cada dia fuera el ultimo y cada dia que pasa no es un dia mas si no un dia menos que se descuenta.


@gaman is on the @abusereports blacklist for being a bad Steemian! Bad spammer, bad!

ok thanks