How to Increase Your IQ at Any Age

in #life9 years ago

How to Increase Your IQ at Any Age   

I used to think that IQ is a set thing. Once you have scored a certain number at a young age, then that’s it. But, I have just realized that this number can be improved up to a certain point, if we constantly work on improving our intelligence, quickness of mind, and our overall Zen.  This is definitely good news for all of us. You can actually become smarter than you were before, if you really want to.  

The other great news is that we can forget about all those depressing stories about how the brain slowly declines as we age. They’re simply not true.  

The brain is plastic: it can develop throughout life. Just like muscled develop through workouts, the intelligence can be developed with brain exercises.  There are many sides to the intelligence or IQ. An overall growth means training the many different sides of our intelligence. 

Here are the five different forms of intelligence/IQ and how to develop each one: 

1. Creative Intelligence 

This kind of intelligence is the ability to innovate and create something new. We can develop this kind of intelligence by participating in make-believe games, by writing, cooking, making handicrafts and so on.   

2. Emotional Intelligence 

This involves one’s understanding of their inner emotions, and their ability to control and work with these emotions. We can develop our emotional IQ by participating in independent projects, writing journals, participating in imaginative games, and quiet reflections.    

3. Social Intelligence 

This type of intelligence or IQ is about understanding how to communicate with other people, and how to work in groups. We can develop this through cooperative games and group projects, as well as dramatic activities.    

4. Spatial Intelligence 

This involves visual perception of the surroundings, and the ability to create and manipulate mental images. We can develop this through painting, drawing, solving mazes and other spatial tasks.    

5. Logical Intelligence 

Although the other types of intelligence I discussed earlier are equally as important, this is the most commonly known kind of intelligence or IQ. Whenever we mention IQ, this is the type of intelligence we immediately think about. It involves number and computing skills, order, and ability to solve different kinds of problems with logic. You can develop this type of IQ through playing number and logic games, solving puzzles, and doing all kinds of mathematical activities and games.        

Remember, the point of all this is to exercise your brain, so you can gain brain “muscles”. So persistence is key. Try to do these activities everyday or at least every other day, because just like going to the gym, if you stop and take long “breaks” from exercising your brain, the results won’t be great. 

Hope this is helpful, and thanks for reading.      
