Trying something new here on Steemit. This is not an intro post. This is a post with a little bio about myself. Nothing to personal just a few things for anyone to read about and get to know me better. After your done reading this its your turn. Use the tag thisismewhoareyou and resteem this post if you don't mind. This community here should get to know each-other a little more. Who the heck knows what comes from it? Maybe some good networking? Maybe a new friend or two? Maybe people start connecting on interests they love an enjoy!? Like I said, who the heck knows. I may throw a curse word or two into my story below. Don't like that? Sorry, tough shit, its just who I am, sometimes I curse like a trucker. Sometimes I go days being nice and polite without a single curse.....or at least until I get to my tech support job and.....smash head on keyboard sometimes....! Moving on......
Who the hell am I ? My name is Michael, born raise in the us of a and reside in the new jersey. I say taylor ham egg and cheese, some people down south jersey say pork roll egg and cheese. ITS TAYLOR HAM NJ PEOPLE, NOT PORK ROLL!
Go ahead, all you people in NJ that say pork roll lets start that battle. No I don't enjoy the stupid jersey shore show and I never did. It's full on fucking stupid, and if I'm correct some if not all aren't even from NJ. I wish that show just crash and burn already, it recently had a reboot. WHY!? Oh yea some people can be mindless drones and call that entertainment. NO.
Some past history? I was born in the dirty jersey like I said, its actually not dirty here a lot of people from other states just like to say that because of the stretch of turnpike that smells like shit, because of.....pollution. Awesome! not really freakin sucks, but no one stepped to change it, will they ever? Who knows. But all and all NJ is a great place to live with a lot of beaches, city like areas, resturants and boardwalks, among other things. I always loved it here. I love the beaches, the water, fishing, boats, walking around, hiking and whatever else I can do. I been here my whole life. I traveled to Canada one time, that was fun. I been to many parts of the us of a, mostly east coast and some western \ middle states as well. I seen a lot during my band days besides regular traveling to have fun.
My band \ music days? When I hit college I wanted to be in a professional band really bad. I searched online for listings found one and tried out and made it. My first band I was in took place in my early 20s for about 2 or so years. We traveled to some different states playing shows, we played Bamboozle in NJ 3 times, I played a spot on warp tour, I opened for a ton of bands I grew up listening too, among other amazing shows. Every single week was a new adventure. Not to sound conceited but we did very well for an unsigned band. But long story short, being in some bands is like a dysfunctional family, a lot of drama about where the music should go and of course money. One thing that no one could ever take away from us though was the sound us five had together. The sound worked and the teenagers loved us. Getting on stage for the first time in front of a 100 or few hundred people was nothing like I ever experienced in my whole life. It was incredible. I felt at home and happy entertaining people on the drums. Thats what I played, for a long time, since about the age of 4 but more on that later. Shows was just fucking awesome. I met a lot of awesome bands and fans a long the way and I wish so badly I could experience these days again. Maybe? who knows, but money dictates a lot in life. If i ever hit it rich, i'll make my own band and play once again, somehow - someway. One more comment about these days before moving on. Getting signed in the days I played, which was only about 8 years ago (1st band), was like hitting the lottery. Have to be at the right place at the right time! I wanted that, I wanted to tour and just experience a year or two on the road. BUT, it got fucked up. The way we got are shows mostly was through someone in are band, they worked for a big company, and we will call them Cruise. I don't want to use the real name, they threw us shows left and right and we played ALL of them. In the hopes to one day be on a small label and tour. Well, the guy in are band got a call one friday morning, this is how it went "We have a show for you tonight, Stone Pony, you will open for Hoobastank, we need you there by 6pm SHARP, the latest." The guy in my band hung up and called us ALL one by one and we all said FUCK YEA, until he got to are lead guitarist \ singer. HE SAID NO. MFer said NO! We all called him 10,000 times to convince him to do the show. We all felt THIS was are FREAKN ticket!!!!!! The show that might be the final test to the tour we always dreamed about. Problem was. Are singer \ lead guitarist at the time owned a small cafe where he threw his own local band shows and he had one that same night. THATS WHY HE SAID NO! I'm sorry and not to sound like an asshole, but if I was in his shows I pay a close friend or his gf at the time now WIFE, to run the show for him and do the show. HE ALWAYS PREACHED ABOUT GETTING SIGNED NOW HE SAYS NO!! So basically thats how the band after that slowly fell apart. First are bassist quit, then I got the boot over drama and they got a new drummer and singer. They played for about 5 or 6 more months without us until they finally broke up. Thats the long story kind of short. After this band I was in one more serious band WITH THE SAME GUY WHO SAID NO TO HOOBA STANK, yes, I'm a moron. But i desperately wanted to play again and didn't know where else to go. Long story short again, the second band lasted 2 years, and he booted me out a 2nd time over drama. I am very blunt when I see shit or something wrong I call it out, and he always hated this. Karma though eventually kicked him in the ass. That second band we built together, eventually got signed into the 3rd year and THEY KICKED HIM OUT. We didn't have all are bases covered on copy-writes etc. I should of because I would now own a piece of that band, which is still out there touring the last I heard. MOVING ON.....
How about my teenage life? I was very shy growing up. Not around my close friends and family though. Looking back on it I wish I wasn't so damn shy and opened up more. I played sports, basketball in school up until junior high then quit. I was probably too shy to play lol or lack of confidence. Not too sure why I am tall and bigger build I probably would of done good. I played band in school up until righ before high-school then quit. They wanted me in marching band while in high-school for drums, but just didn't want to. I was interested in jazz band but there was one kid in my grade ridiculously good at the drums, I felt defeated and thats why I honestly didn't join. Looking back on it, I was just as good as him and I was an idiot lacking confidence. I locked myself in the garage for over 10-15 years teaching myself the drums, but it payed off with my band experiences. Back to this, I wasn't the popular kid in school I was on level with the nerds and I didn't give a shit. I loved being a nerd and still do! I had my fair share of bullies, and looking back on it I should of kicked all there asses but its all good that was a long time ago. lol I am not a fighter I'm a lover, but I can definitely hold my own lol. My parents split when I graduated high-school which was for the better. Both happily re-married now. What else about my teenage life, it was a lot of fun. I had my ups I had my downs. Never did anything really stupid, but did my fair share of being a teenager lol. I was never a bully though or a punk that picked on others, I was the one being nice to the ones that didn't fit in. I didn't look like a nerd, but I was and stuck up for them as well in school. That's enough on this part. lol
What about my child \ baby life? I remember moving a few times growing up. I remember getting the chicken pox when I was like 5 and dressing up in a suit because I wanted the day to still be nice with my family lol. I remember from ages 10-15 all the family barbecue's we had with everyone, they were a lot of fun. Good times. I remember ripping apart my mother and fathers computer because I wanted to learn how to use it and putting it back together. I still don't know if they knew I did that. I just remember praying they didn't come home when I had it in pieces. I am self taught when it comes to computers. Growing up I was obsessed with creating art, websites, animations - you name it. I remember having a good childhood, it wasn't always perfect. My parents split for a reason, but it never got to the extreme. The times I had when they were together though I'll cherish forever, because now thats rare to have them both in the same room for a family gathering. They did a lot for me and my brothers and I will always love them for that. I remember to when I was like 7 or 8 money hidden in a new turtle sandbox. I'll never forget that. I was exploring around the house, found the new turtle sandbox in the garage and lifted the lid and there was a stash of money. Apparently the story goes my parents owed a little bit of money to my grandfather, and he put it in there refusing to take it. Wanted to give it back to them lol. I thought it was for new toys and stuff hahaha. Good times. Moving on!
See what I did there I went backwards, from adult life to my baby life with some info about me and experiences I had. Again I am not the best writer but I am trying here!
Finally, what about life as it is right now!? Life right now is good. I have a roof over my head and I'm healthy. I can provide food for myself and get through the day. Do I wish I was making more money? Fuck yea, who doesn't? Well maybe a monk or someone off the grid, I don't know! lol :) Job is steady and secure, hope to get a promotion, i do enough work as 3 people in one day, it better pay off !! They see my dedication so I think it will. I battle anxieties on some days but thats also getting a lot better, life is a roller coaster, its what you make of it!!!! I never admitted that in a public blog but whatever, we all have are shit and we learn to cope or make it better. I'm the type of person that wishes I could help everyone, I take everything to heart and sometimes you have to toughen up and not let things get to you especially stupid shit. Thats where most of my anxieties come from, emotional bull-crap. You have to surround yourself with positivity and thats what I did and still am doing. Feels great!!! What else before I end this summary??? I am GRE3N.
Hope you were able to follow this post, I am a shitty writer. I left out the obvious points about my passion for art and whatnot because thats already known, most of my blog is my art work. As for the color green, I love that color. No association to drugs or anything. I find it a very positive and awesome color!
Now this is where you come in!!!! Make a post like I just did about yourself. In the title use "This is ME!! - Who are YOU!? - Pass this along!!" in the tag please use "thisismewhoareyou". This is not a facebook tactic where someone leaves you stupid questions to answer about yourself and then pass it along. I mean this with sincerity. Take your time, write up a bio about yourself, you don't have to get to personal but an overview about whatever the heck you want to talk about, don't forget to mention how awesome you are!! It be really nice to see this catch on over Steemit and after I sleep,
tomorrow I have a whole bunch to read about my fellow Steemian's!! Don't forget to post a picture of yourself at the end of your post. If I see some out there I will keep tabs and resteem some and vote some, comment some, whatever I can do to show appreciation. The idea of this is to get to know eachother more, past the intro post that no affense, no one really remembers?? its up its gone, here is another chance to make some good content. Lets focus on are selves for once and not in-grossed in what will make a high voted post. Hope to see a lot of these out there!!
If anyone wants to contact me I am gre3n on discord, or leave your discord below and I will reach out to you.
Also if you'd like to see an overview of my most recent art works look me up on instagram, screen name: _ gre3n _
(take out the spaces, underscore gre3n underscore)
As always my friends,
Work hard, stay humble and Steem on!!!!!
Previous Posts:
Hearthstone: Ranked Play: Spell-Hunter w\deck list-code
Welcome to Witchwood!! Let's open 70+ packs in Hearthstone!!
Hearthstone : Ranked Play : Golden Paladin : Baku Odd w\ deck code
Wow, your post is captivating, funny and creative all at once. Most people get bored reading about someone else but you sir you've that magic. Love how you joke and switch all at once. Great post man. Thumbs up @gre3n
Thank you!!! Maybe not being the best writer could help me to my advantage... Hmm.... Haha I hope some poeple follow my lead and make these. :)
This is awesome! I actually like your writing style in this blog entry. It reads like you are just talking. I mean in some places maybe you could create some more paragraphs but otherwise its just got a style that makes me imagine what you would talk like in real life. Also, "baby life" is such a hilarious and super cute term :) I will try and do this idea too! Thanks for sharing with me! I hope it catches on especially the term baby life! :)
I have style in my writing??, sweet :) ! lol baby life.....haha. I am a shitty writer, I am much better at music or art, but I had to get this idea out. I see a lot on here all about this hobby that hobby there hobby someones hobby or whatever, and nothing really about the person behind the hobby. If you end up making something like this please share with me either on discord or come back here and comment the link. Glad you liked the post and idea, have a good one!!
Very, very interesting. I barely remember Hoobastank, but what a story and what a time. Can't believe he said no! It might take a little time, but I'm on this. I'll see if I can't get some more interest in it too; good idea!
Thank you, I'm glad you stopped by and appreciate you reading this as well. Id really like to somehow spread this message accross Steemit. Like I said I'm gre3n on discord if you have some ideas let me know. Have a good one
Edit: drop your link here if you end up making one as well
Any ideas of how I could spread this around? Maybe you could make one :).