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RE: I Feel Broken: Probably a Bad Time to Take a Break

in #life6 years ago

I enjoyed this concern. I don't care that crackheads are stereotyped, but the word addict is often used as negative description.Addicts are people who need something do due something being missing in them naturally or having being taken away from them by possible traumatic events. A chemical imbalance exists that makes regular life hard to live. Addicts(not all of course) are just people who have a hard time living and seek for a release from whatever pain that consumes them.
This is just my point of view. I think if we as a society could change our mindset from being judgmental to having more empathy for the struggle other humans deal with, WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER.
Never QUIT.

~RESPECT~ #SteemOn


This post wasn't about addicts, but I get it, okay?

I know, I don't mean to gloss over the rest, which I read.I also took no real offense , just engaging on a topic that is close to my heart.