Here, I’m sending you a post that I wrote, that 2 people actually read. I posted it twice with a few changes added the second time. But it proves my point that nobody cares about content: It’s All About The Numbers and Money!!!
Good evening. The reason for my post is simple: I don’t like what I see on Steemit. I heard a lot about Steemit over the past 2 years, mostly positive, and always encouraging. I heard that it was “Decentralized “. I heard that it was a place of Freedom of Thought, Freedom Of Censorship, Freedom Subjugation!!! I’ve only been here a few short weeks, and I see Absolutely No Evidence of any of these lofty aspirations.
What I have seen is infighting, censorship, automation for profit, avarice and greed. What I have seen, is an Absolute Monarchy and Aristocracy built in the early days of Steemit’s inception and launch, that have lead to an Oligarchy. I have read that 1% of Steemians own 90% of the Power, Wealth, and Control Of Steemit. I found it hard to believe that so few people could hold SO MUCH POWER AND CONTROL ON A SUPPOSEDLY DECENTRALIZED PLATFORM. So I found a list of the top Whales on Steemit, and what their net worths actually were, and it was pretty mind blowing. You can do your own research and draw your own conclusions. Suffice it to say, they own a TON!!
But this isn’t a post designed to bash the Whales, or the people who got in early, that is counterproductive and ignorant. I see plenty of people trying to improve the experience of others on the platform, but I fear that their efforts are falling short. Contests are great, involvement is wonderful, and getting people engaged and interested is all well and good, but when it comes across as a handout, or even worse, an act of retribution for wrongdoing, it defeats the entire purpose. Contests can be fun, but the Plankton, or minnows, as you call them, are not toys to be played with, or be amused by, for the price of a few crumbs of bread. This post is really about finding a way to afford those same opportunities to the incoming waves of people who heard the same positive and inspiring things that I did, which spurred me on to join this community. We need to reconsider how things are done around here, otherwise there is either going to be discord and eventual revolt, or there will come the slow bleed out and resulting death of Steemit. Neither of those options seems either necessary or productive for the future of such a Nobel project.
So what is the answer???
Not any single one of us knows for sure, but collectively, with all the great Mind Power here on Steemit, I’m confident that a solution could be swiftly assembled and put in place that would not only take into account the importance of long standing members with superior reputations and immense “Power”, but also Encourage,Nurture, and Promote the Efforts of those New to the Platform, so that they don’t get discouraged and disaffected, and ultimately abandon their accounts. Is that Really what Steemit is or was ever about???
I wrote this post because I felt compelled to. My time here has been brief agreed, but it doesn’t take a brain surgeon, or a blockchain technician to figure out that there is a problem here.
Great points, yet, it seems there is really no easy fix to the mess! Seems there might be some ways the minnows can grow up together, moving up slowly, but either way it is going to take some time to get there! I think there can be plenty of things done to help fix the issues, but it would take lots of thought to make a plan that would truly benefit all involved!