Gringalicious Thoughtful Thursdays: On Comparison & Being Individual

in #life7 years ago (edited)

“When you’re 20 you care what everyone thinks, when you’re 40 you stop caring what everyone thinks, when you’re 60 you realize no one was ever thinking about you in the first place. You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”

-Winston Churchill

Happy Thursday my friends. I know this isn’t my typical kind of post but if there’s anything I realized about myself while taking some time away from posting regularly, for many reasons and most of them out of my control, it’s that I want to share more and connect more with you guys. If you’re here for recipes that’s great also. You can find lots of them in pretty much every other post. However if you happen to be interested in reading on, grab a cup of coffee and continue. (Trust me, you’ll need something strong to get through my rambling.)

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Ever since I started this blog I’ve felt there was some essential part that was missing and including a little more on a personal note is something I’ve never been an expert at. Not that there’s anything wrong with celebrating food and leaving it at cookies and cupcakes everyday. Seriously, who doesn’t love food photos and chocolate #foodporn? But the thing is I’m a real person over here with real problems and you’re a real person behind whatever screen you’re reading this from.

In a world where we all carry around these tiny supercomputers that fit in our hands and, for a lot of us, it feels as if our lives depend on having them there 24/7, it’s really easy to scroll through highlights of everyone else’s lives and instantly have your self-worth plummet to zero. I mean, there’s never been a time in history that people have had the ability to share so much and connect with others all across the globe. While it’s amazing and so useful, I think it’s important to remind each other that it can be extremely superficial and one-dimensional.

Someone’s life can appear perfect from the edited and glossed over bits they choose to share, while their actual lives are a huge mess. I’m so guilty of this myself. The past few months have been some of the best ever for me but a year ago, two years ago? I could just as easily share posts and hide behind recipes when I was going through some really deep struggles as I can now when I happen to be in a bright season of my life. Oh, and please don’t take that as me saying I don’t struggle anymore, or get stressed out, or worry about ridiculous things, or faceplant on my bed for an hour trying to hide from the world when something feels unmanageable (been there, done that). I’m human too, guys. I get scared, I bleed, I forget things, oh and if we all got graded on social media skills I’d get a big fat F every time.

I just sometimes wonder what the world would be like if we all wore our vulnerabilities as badges rather than waste so many hours of pointless energy trying to hide them? How much stronger could we be if we spent more time building others up rather than tearing ourselves down? There is so much power in being able to say “So what?”

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I know it’s so cliché and your mom probably told you this a million times, but comparison really is the thief of joy. I can’t tell you how much time I’ve probably wasted throughout my life trying to change something about myself to be more like someone else when I could have been spending that time embracing who I am and doing the things that make me happiest. Don’t compare your chapter 2 to someone else’s chapter 10 because your life is so unique and don’t waste the incredible person that you are by focusing on who you think you’re not. Envy is a miserable road that goes nowhere.

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When I was little my mom would say “Hang your troubles on the line. You take yours and I’ll take mine.” While I never truly understood this until I got older, it really stuck. It’s taken me almost 22 years to finally reach a place in my life where I’m starting to care less about what others think about me and more about what I think about myself.

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Basically, I’m saying don’t waste time thinking that if you could be in someone else’s shoes you’d be happy because I can pretty much guarantee that their not. In fact, if you really think about it the people who spend the most time making their lives look perfect on the outside are the ones that have the least time to actually live it. I’d say some of the happiest people I know in real life are the ones that know how to laugh at themselves. There will always be someone who does it better, has more, knows more…… Be yo-self!

Okay, now someone kick out the soapbox from underneath me or something. Head high, shine bright, and fake it till you make it. You got this.

I love you guys!



ALL CONTENT IS MINE AND ORIGINAL! All of these food photos were taken with my Nikon D5300 and my favorite Lens, the Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G. You can find out more in my INTRO POST.

And, by the way, to all the minnows out there, my intro post did a huge $0.21. The key to success on Steemit is to be consistent and persistent.

Also, a huge shoutout to @rigaronib for designing my logo!

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Oh, and don't forget to follow me on all your favorite social media channels!

Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram

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cool photo :)

It's more than motivating! Great inspiration here. Stay happy and Steem on!

Agreed, plus I love Winston Churchill quotes! 💪😎🤙

Fantastic post... marvelous... you are very beautiful person...

Cool post. It is interesting how much a person is worried about what others think especially in Junior High an High School.

I think some comparisons can be good for people though. In athletics if you see someone else who is capable of something then your perspective changes and you want to achieve it as well. If the competition isn't always raising the bar then you don't get better.

:-) have a great day!

I agree with you in athletics. Every NBA player should aspire to be as good as Lebron.

However, I'm not so sure that it's healthy for me to be as good as Lebron, at basketball, it's never going to happen.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying be less than we can be. I am simply saying be real about who you are and don't try to be like the person on the magazine that's been photoshoped, which they're not real either.

And, more importantly, thanks so much for your commenting and your current support. We've been together on here for many months, my relationship with you is more important than MY opinion. So, I hope the take away here is, thank you for all of your support!

Edit: I picked basketball because I know that's your game

Yeah I get you 100%. I was just talking to a friend yesterday about the situation with the girls one the covers of magazines. It isn't attractive to use because it doesn't even look like a real person at that point. It just looks like a plastic digital animation. I can imagine how if effects people trying to look at those types of pictures and feeling like they have to look like that. And then when it comes down to it a lot of guys don't actually think that is attractive. Hahhaha

Yeah we have been on here for a long time and it is kind of crazy with all the new people that get on here in these price surges. Sometimes I see someone else that seems to have a high reputation and seems to be blogging a lot and I sometimes wonder if they know about bloggers like us? There have been times on this platform where I almost felt like everyone kind of knew about everyone else who was on here. I know that almost seems impossible but it sort of did seem that way for awhile.

how relaxed you are @gringgalicious, i like your photos that you sit on the bed , good job !

I like the word you ever said :the key to success on Steemit is to be consistent and persistent.


Great post, Yes try only care about what we think of ourselves....and less screen time!!

SO true @steemama! I had to chuckle to myself when I saw that picture/meme because I feel the same way! I look around at the young kids nowadays and just have to shake my head...I feel like telling them "go climb a tree! enjoy your REAL life and participate in it!" And thanks @gringalicious for inspiring all of us to remember these things :-)

Great meme, thanks @steemama!

Yes @steemama I once posted that on my FB page with the same sentiments! So glad.

And @gringalicious solid words. Self awareness and reflection do wonders to realize what the heck matters.

This post is just as great, or even better than your recipes. I enjoy those a lot too (although I usually end up not using them) but I loved reading about you and they way you think. For a 22 year old girl you sound really mature by the way!
I hope to read more like this from you :)

thanks so much for the fantastic commenting

Oh my god Gringalicious your only 22! I was not half as balanced and tuned in at your age! at 22 I was a disaster!! good on you :-)

such a great post @gringalicious , i really loved it , especially your sentence "comparison really is the thief of joy" !! it's true

I agree with you and all the time in my life i try to don't think about others and ... I just compare myself with myself , and try to reach my goals ,, my calm is my calm , we have the same sentence in farsi (persian) :

"Don't compare other's outside of life with your inside of life "

great post

I think that there is something to be said about quality of vulnerability. Life can be tough, even for those who seem to have a picture perfect life. We hide behind lenses, snapped and edited before ever posting. Sharing only the moments that show our edited and high-lighted moments in life. I suppose I could get on my soapbox, but I think for now you've covered the bases well. I read every word.

I would just say that Christ makes all the difference. He enables us to live with a purpose and LOVE. I think that's a huge part of it. The purpose? To Worship our Creator. As you noted on... thinking less about yourself and focusing on others is the key. To LOVE and worry less. :)

I agree with you @whitneynoel; when one lives a Christ-centered life the focus is no longer on us it is on HIM :-) And maybe that makes it easier to "not care" what others think of US (unless we talk about caring in the sense of being a good example), because it's not about us, it's about reflecting Christ...what do you think?

Good for you Gringa! The more you write about these things, and process them externally, the more freedom the process will bring- being honest and open is an awesome step toward freedom and healing- I know blogging here has brought me a ton of both <3

Proud of you!

This is a great post! In this digital age it is too easy to forget or realize that there are always individuals within every digital communication. so in the spirit of being aware, I say hello and thank you. upvoted and resteemed

this is very nice. good job resteemed it

don't smile like this,bcz the boys will be mad for you.
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Hehe, well you flatter me @flora.lori! Thanks my friend and have a great day!

😘❤ my friend

We are all humans on life's rollercoaster, may you have a good day @gringalicious

thanks so much for the great commenting and continued support @gamainvegas

You dear is my Shero. Lolzzzz! I know there is no word like shero. But permit me to call you that Sweetheart.

I love the way you wrote from your heart and your encouraging yet motivating words is fabulous. You my Dear are a Princess. Smiles! Thank you so much for sharing this content with us the steemit community. I love you Dearie! Steem on.

thanks so much @efelexy, very kind words

My pleasure dearie! I am glad I can put a smile on your beautiful face. Life is sweet and must be enjoyed in all fullness. Keep steeming Sweetheart.

Good post

I appreciate it.

I swear that you are so beautiful

Oh, you're way too sweet @askmee, just stop hehe.

superb thank you for sharing.

I'm so glad you liked it @haniaking !

These are Great pictures of you. Inspirig.

I appreciate your support @saych!

Thanks for sharing this @gringalicious You said the truth of life
really peoples think what others are thinking about us
but I learned that don't think about others do what you want to do
once again thanks @gringalicious

So sweet @alenajames ! Thank you for reading!

I love this type of post too. We can now know you better.

I love to get to know my friends @crissimoes, thanks!

You look like you are fun to be around. Nice shots of you having fun. I like the one-leg photo on the bridge!

You really add a lot to Steemit!

Thanks @sponge-bob! Happy Thursday.

I’d say some of the happiest people I know in real life are the ones that know how to laugh at themselves.

If you've figured this out - and believe it, at your age, then you are way ahead of the crowd. It will definitely be an advantage for you.

The only person who really cares about how you act and how you look is you. Everyone else is just mildly interested. ;-)

Great advice @gikitiki!

Hey @gringalicious
Thanks for update about life style. Its really wonderful and nice blog.

Great to heat from you @nayyabsipra!

very beautiful so young.

I'm so glad you liked it @haniaking!

this is very nice article and one this I would like to share is "to be yourself" that is the most happiness. I love to be myself be strong be happy and people around me can be happy to because they can feel in me :-) Thank you for your post today, this make me have a big smile now:-)

oh one more thing, you are so cute .. i like your smile i can feel that is real and sincere :D

Have a wonderful day @gringalicious

thanks so much for all of the kind words @giantkidishere

You welcome my dear @gringalicious I like to read the article like and you know what !! your article could help many people to understand how to be happy with the way they are .. inspired pepole

This is an incredible post! You are one of the most amazing people I know.
I totally agree with you....people spend far too much time trying to compare themselves to others, and trying to make their lives look perfect on the outside. (It's such a Facebook world!)
You know my motto "Live like there's no tomorrow!" Be happy with who YOU are, and don't waste a moment of this precious life!
I love you bigger than the sky!

I love you too @lifes-a-donut, thanks for all the support, always!

Good job dear keep it up thanks for sharing

So happy to be sharing it @cristitaylor !

Good post @gringalicious
You'r so beautiful😍

I really appreciate it @khairulwalad, too kind

but it' real..🖒🖒

Hey,I just found your profile and this post really inspired me. I am also in my twenties and it is not always easy to find your place in this world. Really Enjoyed reading this!

Wow, that really encourages me to know you're inspired @miss.bozena! Have a great day!

Nice to meet you again @gringalicious!
It's so beautiful to see how you meet yourself in a sincere way...and these beautiful words are the immediate result...ha ha.

Awesome photography, but who is behind the scene. Curious to know about that person.

that's a combo of my Dad and my sister. Thanks so much for commenting @errajesh

But if you were picture, then who was camera?

Haha, well I do have family @charitybot !

Interesting, you don't look part-DSLR.

I LOVE the vibe of this post. & you're so pretty sis :)

Oh, so sweet. Thanks @gravity9!

Great post, well said

thanks so much @henrywilson

Nw at all, I do similar stuff actually, feel free to have a look if you have the time :)

Thank you for sharing.

It was an honest and very touching post.


I'm thrilled you like it @tracyjames!

I don't think there's anyone who will read through and not get something. You did well and did hit the nail at the head.

Honestly, I am very happy to read your article, you create an exciting content that can make me relax reading it, can you visit my blog ?? @umar97

I am thrilled you liked it @umar97, thanks so much

IMG_3980.PNGTo be honest you look so prepossessing in this pic, and you have extraordinary smile😊Keep your smile with you dont let it fades away, post is awesome , nicely written, adoration for your post❤️

great insights into who you are, and confirms why i am following you, my friend

So kind of you @johnnyray! I so appreciate having your support!

Nice to meet you, gringalicious. You are wonderful! Good luck!

thanks so much @sinilga, I appreciate your comments

Great words to live by. Be uniquely You! <3
Thank you for this post.

So happy to share @nwjordan!

Love this kind of post! Have a great day!

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