My new daily normal starts with you in mind. From the time I awaken, you're the vision of my minds eye. I lie there, pondering the how to's and the what if's of swooning you. Cravings to, touch your skin, to smell your hair, to kiss your lips and hold you close. But most of all, to know your mind, to understand your paradigm, to make you feel alive. Because I strive to best my yesterday's, I want to be the reason for the smile on your face and your heart. To chart a new course of action that involves knowing your mind, body and spirit. I fear it just may be a fools errand to undertake but you're definitely worth the risk. Because your kiss, those lips, will be bliss to even the darkest recesses of the missing pieces of my soul. The toll is my heart and I'll pay with all of it if you'd be so bold.