Meet your true adversary!

in #life7 years ago

Beach party (1).jpg

For many times we go through trials in all areas of life, often without understanding the reason for it all happen at the same time.

They are "scams" brandished coming from all sides reaching all areas.

In this situation, it is very common come to the conclusion to go to the canvas is inevitable.

So when we begin to soften your knees, and realize that we knocked out, we listen deep down middle distance, the sound of the gong announcing that this roundover. We realize that we are still standing, even with so many scams, and even though we have a way to accept defeat.

But even saved by the bell, we are aware that the fight not over. The fatigue and the fear of return to fighting is very intense.

The opponent is very experienced and strike hard and without mercy, not the greatest of all fighters have so much power and is so incisive in his punches, as our opponent.

And now? Fight and throw the towel?

No force, but moved by the support of those who are with us, we decided to face another round.

In the previous round, there was no strategy. The only thing we did was close the guard and receiving the blows, seeking strength to keep us upright.

So now we have to act differently. After all, there is no way to have another result, with the same attitude as always.

Unlike the first round, the new strategy is to keep the distance and get literally "escape" from the fight.

At first this is looking be a good strategy, keeping the distance and running, much less caught.

But without realizing it, as we fled the fight, the opponent cleverly led us to the corner, the cornering. Escape was not a good idea.

On the contrary, escape left us at a disadvantage, and we started going through the worst time of the fight at that point.

In addition the heavy blows we receive from the opponent, we have to deal with the self judgment, accusing us of being incapable and always make the wrong choice.

We lose focus and concentration, and when that happens, the situation worsens.

With all this, go to canvas is inevitable. And this is what happened.

But we know that staying on canvas is optional.

While the referee counts down, if we decided on canvas and give up, I found it harder on us, or something or someone that is the reason to get up and not give up even if it is difficult.

But the decision must be made quickly because if the count over and we are not standing, feel the bitter taste of defeat.

We give up not easy! before counting end we were putting ourselves standing, with great difficulty, but we managed.

Then the fight begins again, and stunned with so many scams we do not know how react, so in an act of rebellion, outraged by the situation, we began to strike at random, with all forces, no focus, no direction, seeking to hit just one these scams on the anniversary. Blow it properly seated, would end the fight instantly.

But it does not. In this desperate situation in search of the solution,exhausted our strengths and can barely lift my arm for our protection.

We realize that the opponent knows us very well, and know clearly every move we were about to carry out, in our rage.

So when you have no more attack force in us, our opponent is preparing to carry out the coup that end the fight once for all.

But behold, to our luck, sounds the gong again. It was divine, as the blow would be fatal!

In the rest no longer heard over the guidance of the technical nor the support of the fans.

The only thing I think is: "why is this happening, and how he knew advance with clear my every move?"

With this intrigue in our mind, we turn to fight, and decided to do something we have not had courage yet .

We decided face the opponent, looking into the eyes ... To know against whom we are fighting really.

So, in doing so we were surprised and frightened ... But now convinced that it is possible to win!

To face the opponent, we realize that it is no one but ourselves, with some limiting beliefs.

Belief that are not natural ours, but that have been accumulating in our way of thinking and seeing the world, as we were feeding us and being fed loaded information of misery, paradigms, concepts, prejudices, lack even envy and malice.

But these beliefs are not final and now understand the meaning of this struggle.

The positive point is that no one knows our better opponent than ourselves, then we can predict and anticipate every act it.

But is there a negative point ...

Do we really want to leave aside these beliefs? Because they can bring us some benefits to justify our failure.

With particular limiting belief, we can argue things like, "I am unlucky, nothing's right for me. Or, they not all born to be successful it is already destined for each.

"The Fight is going, now the opponent is already known.

Beat decide whether, knocks, or lets himself be knocked out. It's your decision.

Is a tip, we will need to knock out put us in action. From up to with all your strength, and believing that we are so able to accomplish what we want to accomplish, allowing us realize and knowing that maybe now, here at moment, we are still not worthy of success. But if we change posture, move forward with all our strength and do what has to be done at the end of this fight we deserved this victory!

So? You will knock out or let be knocked out?

Make your choice! I have done my!

Originally written in Brazilian Portuguese


Maybe the truth is people don't fail they just give up trying, or they don't try hard enough.