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Hip hip hip!!!
Hip hip hip!!!
Hip hip hip!
Everyone toast to my 25th birthday anniversary; with beautiful words and encouragements.
My dad took his friends to the sit out to create space for me and my friends. I was so excited about my big day because for the first time in 15 years, my dad was present to celebrate my birthday with me after mum passed away by the cold hands of death.
I was looking so astonishing! My dress was the best in the house and my makeup gave me this confidence I have never had all my life. My shoes and jewelries came from my dad's friend (Uncle David), he bought them while returning from Italy the previous month and presented them to me. My friends were the best set of persons life gave me; the party and all the chops and drinks was their idea... I had huge surprises!
It was past 11pm and everyone had gone home after the party, I was alone with Rebecca my best friend in the kitchen, putting together the used plates and cups... She had been my bossom friend from childhood and we share almost everything in common. We took over 2hours in the kitchen to make sure everywhere was sparkling clean.
Then we retired to my room to shower and sleep... I picked up my phone to go through text messages and then I found one text from an unknown number that caught my attention. It reads:
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Beautiful lady, how comely you are. For 25years I've watched you grown into a powerful, strong and daring woman; fearless and confident. I admire you alot, your charm draws my soul to you and I wish one day I can have you to myself and keep you forever till we are old and grey.
Your day one lover,
I gave a deep sigh of relief and wondered who this person was. My mind ran through all of my chykers and crushers... But I couldn't pick anyone out of them. When Rebecca came out of the bathroom, i showed her the message and she read and wondered with me... I decided to wave it off since the person hid his number away from me.
The next morning I was fixing breakfast for my dad before I leave for work and Rebecca was packing her stuffs to leave for Lagos... My dad was everything to me since we lost my mom; we virtually do stuffs together and when Rebecca is away, he's my only friend and confidant. I love my dad so much that I always want to make him smile...
Then I heard my phone ringing, before I could reach for it, it already stopped... It was an unknown number...
I discussed it with Rebecca on our way to the airport and she told me to be careful and always pray. When I got to the office my boss declared a free day for me after he gave me a huge pack of gift... I was excited because I really needed rest. I hit the car and drove back home to rest.
I was unwrapping my gifts when I saw this very beautiful dress and a small note saying: I know you'll be wondering who sent an text with an unknown number and called you this morning, don't panic, this dress will look great on you, please meet me at Osama Gardens by 6pm, I don't mind waiting.
My curiosity became high, I wanted to see this person who has kept me guessing. Plus I wanted to know why he must have spent such amount of money to buy a dress just to meet him. I took some rest and was up by 4pm... Went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of milk... At about 5:30, I already had finished making up and wore the dress when I got skeptical... I love adventure so I hit the road to Osama Gardens.
I'm a pretty lady I know but the stare I got from people at the garden made me shy; everyone was dazzled at my looks as I catwalked to an empty table and sat down smiling. I was using my phone when someone said
What a damsel!
I raised my head and behold Jeffrey: he was my very good friend while in secondary school and his family use to stay close to our house when I was a kid, he loves playing with me and I liked him for he is kind-hearted and intelligent.
Me: Jeffrey! What are you doing in Calabar?
Him: Just to see you my queen.
His voice is calm, romantic and sweet, he has this brownish eyes and full hair, he was looking even more handsome and his fragrance was lit!
I melted deep down as he sat down and held my hands and looked straight into my eyes... I got speechless... We had dinner, had a long talk and I enjoyed my time with him. I drove back home around 10pm and my dad was waiting for me as usual...
Dad: Where are you coming back from young lady?
Me: good evening dad, I went on a date with Jeffery, remember him? They use to live close to us in the other estate when I was a kid and...
Dad: oh yes! I do, how did you meet him?
I told my dad how he sent that message and the call and the dress and the hangout... I could see my dad smiling as I left him downstairs to my room. The thought of Jeffery wouldn't leave my head, meeting him was the best thing for me and I wanted to see him again.
Slowly Jeff began to steal my heart away and I could not help it, he does everything beautiful you can think of and made sure to put smiles on my face every single day.
Here's the little:
I meet flowers on my table at the office everyday with beautiful cards specially designed for me, I get lunch at the office anytime my table is full with work, I recieve calls from him during the day with inspiring text messages, at weekends, I hangout with him and at different amazing places then on Sundays, we go to church together. Who didn't need such a man?
I forgot I wasn't communicating with my best friend Rebecca and I realised I was often coming late at home and cared little about my dad. He surmoned me one night and spoke to me with words that broke me into tears... I wasn't happy I left him all alone not minding he'll never leave me that way plus I showed less concern. I apologised and he hugged me closely and told me that:
To be in love is a beautiful thing and to find someone who will give up anything just for you is the sweetest. But in all of these, be sure to use your head.
I became logical with Jeff and tried to avoid our constant meetings and his gifts... But instead of this putting him away, it dragged him even closer until one day he asked to meet with my dad...

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Three months after he proposed and I wasn't expecting it too soon; the joy in my heart could not be explained... For a second I thought: so I'm going to be married to the best man in the world! That feeling was deep! I called bestie and broke the news to her, the next day she took a flight down to calabar to see me. We had awesome time together and she showed me her ring too; her boyfriend proposed four days ago.
The following morning which was Saturday, Bekky left back to Lagos and my dad travelled to Canada for a business trip and I was all alone in that big house... I took my bath and called Jeff I was coming over to see him... He made lunch for us and we sat down watching TV... Then my mind began to lost for his touch... Before I could say Jack! We found ourselves kissing deeply... I tried to hold back at some point but I could not... That was my first kiss with Jeff and it was great...
My phone rang and we cut kissing... It was my dad, he called to tell me he arrived safely and that he will be staying for two weeks no longer a week. As I dropped the phone he rushed me again and we continued kissing and he started touching me all over my body... He lifted me up and took me to his bedroom, lated me down and took off my clothes and his... Then he slowly and romantically whispered into my ears:
It was my first time and I enjoyed the pain... For the man I loved I could do anything for him. After that night, I wanted more nights with him, so he asked if I will love to stay with him for a few days before my dad returns, I couldn't say no because going back to that house and staying all alone was boring and besides, he's my fiancee.
We made love every day and in different places around the house, I'd soon become addicted to how he takes me every time... It became often: that we even made out in his car one night, i wouldn't wait until we get to the door... After that sex that night in the car we had four rounds again before morning... I became addicted.
We had our wedding six weeks after and I moved in full-time to share my forever with the man I love. His love for me grew so deep and wide that I wondered what kind of man he was. Everything I say and wanted he doesn't hesitate. He took my suggestions seriously and even opened several business accounts in my name. What more could I have asked for?

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I got a call one afternoon from our family hospital asking me to rush down immediately that my dad was brought unconscious from his office... On getting there I was told my dad did not survive it... He died! Oh! I was looking all frustrated and worn out already. I cried bitterly and my husband came to take me home... We buried my dad few weeks away and I was left with Rebecca and my husband in my whole life.
I was fixing breakfast for my beloved Jeffery when I had a feeling like I wanted to throw up... I ran to the toilet and vomited heavily that morning, Jeff took me to the hospital and left for work from there, he promised to come back in the evening to pick me up. He asked the doctor to take proper care of me and make me rest well... I waited until it was 6pm and he did not call, so I called his phone... It wasn't reachable. I tried several times and it never rang... So I went home myself with the report from the hospital.
When I got home Jeff wasn't home, I became worried if something must have happened to him, I called the office and they said he left during the day saying he'll be back. My heart skipped! I took the envelope from the table to see what the doctor's report was saying, to my greatest surprise...
I was speechless and restless... HIV? HOW?
I called his number again and it rang, he picked up and said:
Jeffery: I am so sorry for all these happening... I didn't plan to leave you, but I cannot stand the shame of what I've put you through, I am deeply sorry, I wanted to tell you I was HIV but I couldn't explain how I got you involved without telling you, severally I tried to talk to you about it but you were all over me and I couldn't help it... I loved you. I cannot live with this shame and torment knowing very well that you gave up everything to be with me, please take care of our child and forgive me. Don't worry about how you're going to do it... I already willed my all to you and our unborn baby. You both can live but I have to go... And... #Alpha drops.
I broke down to uncontrollable tears! I wished I was dreaming all along, I wished I rewind time to my birthday when all these started, I wished I could just die, I wished I never loved... My whole life was coming to a close before me... I could not think for days but cry. How do I live knowing that the one man I loved and gave my everything did this to me?
I finally decided to give birth to the child and raise him up properly but life wasn't the same again, everyday I remember I have few years to live and that alone was the pain that never left.
To be continued...
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Nice piece. Seems you're a script writter.
Not a script writer though, but I love writing