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RE: Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

When you say "The angels that committed these trespasses I believe are still bound in chains until they are unleashed in the final yet approaching days", and you say these "spirits" supposedly have died in the flood and already buried underground. Through simplistic interpretation, my first though is, could this be reflected in what is already happening today. Fossil fuels supposed to have originated from a mass burial extinction, represented by the "flood". In this modern age, they are being dug up, drilled, burned and "unleashed" into the air we breath, causing pollution, climate change, and war over oil towards the "final yet approaching days". God create Adam (man) to take care of His creation (Gen 2:15). That was our purpose, to care and maintain peace in this world, until we gained "the knowledge of good and evil" and we realise we can abuse the "creation", knowingly or unknowingly, for our own selfish gains, lust and pride. This resulted in "sin", which in the original Greek and Hebrew, means to miss our target, and in this sense, to lose our original purpose.


Hey bro! Enjoy these comments. I should have been more clear. The spirits of the half-breeds that died in the flood are the 'wandering' spirits of today. And the original angels that fell are according to scripture still bound in chains. YES- I am pointing out that the female 'dna' was indeed corrupted still to this day. However, there's no way they can pass a faulty Y to a male.

Original sin... The bible states that Eve was the mother of all living. However, it doesn't state that Adam was the father of all living. I believe scripture shows us that the father of Cain is the serpent. And I think we were all created because God is bored or maybe lonely? However, making friends with a Robot wouldn't be as fulfilling as making friends with someone that could freely accept or reject you. Independently able to make choices resulting in death or life. Cain's lineage is never connected to Adam. Furthermore, you can see how Christ compared to the kingdom of heaven as a man sowing wheat, and his enemy came and sowed tares. Lest the harvest be ruined, the 'tares' (the weeds, the evil) are allowed to mature with the good (wheat) until the very end.