Militarized Cops At Tiny Georgia Neo-Nazi Rally Arrest Counterprotesters For Wearing Masks

in #life6 years ago

While I in no way agree with the white supremacist rally, It is good to see law enforcement cracking down on the cowardly Antifa, who like to throw rocks while wearing masks. People are onto these dweebs, and that's all they really are. Dweebs. People with no moral character, pawns, ignorant peasants that have no respect and no backbone. They have no back bone because they talk so much shit, throw objects, wear masks and then think there won't be consequences and try to claim victimhood when it comes high time to roost.

You mask wearing douche bags, this is what you get. A gun in your face. Get the mask off, you coward. This is common practice by the law because of exactly what you do: pick people off from the distance while remaining concealed. I'm no advocate of overreach of police, in fact it pisses me off almost as much as this.

But you can't go around doing this nonsense and be surprised when someone way tougher than you comes in to put you in your bitch-ass little place. Grow up, do something useful and quit wasting people's time and energy.
