It is time we took measures to construct our better future, the opportunity of the moment is wearing thin.
For a long time now a coalescence of artists and independent media have reported on the true state of the world. Society has grown in population, but it has also grown a likeness for greed. Gold has made too many in this world obsessed with a contradictory lifestyle:
they would claim to be serving betterment of life, but they were only motivated by greed to lie and propagandize the masses, so that they could farm their massing slave labor-force, only capable of supporting a select few overlords.
Their time is up I am afraid. Change always forms in society, things that once were have been forgotten, but something always remains of the host:
the public masses are and eventually will realize the truth. To follow current society is paramount to the ways of the dying, of suicide.
The path to the death, of the body of civilization is being pursued by many.
There is all hope however, as the universe is infinite, so too is time. The forces of the universe can never be overcome, for they are eternal in our realm of materiality.
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Don't worry, just listen to as much as you can. Please read on...
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War and propaganda has been a powerful controller of society for so long now. Do you know that the original news organizations were set up by the Illuminati and other secret societies.
"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell, 1984
We are a river, controlled by disconnected, contented, wealthy and obsessive "Winners".
I say that the term winner in society today means "most subservient", winners are just lairs and losers most of the time, they lie to themselves and sell their act for a token life.
"Good dog"; chase the paper contract and sell your life away.
We are blinded and numbed by appeasements that make us docile, but still some see through the smoke screen of lies funded by governments and beamed at you from "trusty" mainline news sources.
Money is a paper contract, do you remember that signing a contract with the devil stereotype. Well your conscious acceptance of a money system is how the system works, debt is a Faustian deal that costs more than you get in the short term, you are literally giving your money away to a bank and government.
If people made their own forms of wealth and establishment, you would be a lot richer, this is because the money system is essentially a way to steal control of what your family should posses for the use of the elite; It is ownership.
Time is cutting sharp to an edge, soon there will be no way out. In fact I think that we are already Doomed, at least at high risk, there is not enough movement happening, we are close to life as we know it (how it could be in freedom) being lost for a long time.
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