Very important points! About the modern world. 😦

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Very important points about the modern world.


Lets get straight to the points!

  1. As humans we hallucinate our reality, through our bodies. (from the brains perspective)

  2. Cities produce large amounts of material goods, but groups of people do not work well together because human brains are designed to solve problems alone. The experience of being watched stifles our ability to make independent choices and develop an understanding of the world.

  3. Problems arise because of this "big brother" environment, people then proceed to cover up, lie, and numb their experience because these problems hurt them.

  4. The reason the problems aren't fixed is because when someone raises a problem, others view them as incorrect and stop them because they "believe" that the system is already good.
    {often the excuse "it doesn't have to be perfect" is used}

  5. Fighting each other, or trying to blame someone and punish them will not work! [To solve this problem, we need to change our minds and habits.]

The Human organism does not work in groups, it has periodic contact with groups. However, the modern environment has changed the function of a human. Instead of being capable of complex independent thoughts, it is trained to follow others thoughts blindly in "faith".

We believe in an instruction from a book, or a religion, or a scientific teaching or text. We also follow the paths of "leaders" or copy the things we are told will bring us "success".

Listen to this song: {Then continue}


Quote from Pet Cheetah - Twenty One Pilots - Trench - track 12 - Fueled by Ramen -2018
"No, I move slow
I want to stop time
I'll sit here till I find the problem"

I think this means that we have to look very carefully, spend lots of time on our actions, because it is so hard to find the truth in a world where we numb the pains of our problems by living in a dream world.

We imagine that everything we do is correct, anyone who questions this is "politically incorrect". The enforcement of blind rules has led to an "NPC", rule following population. Like robots, they do what their told, they are "loyal".

Now. To fix this problem, what we need to do is have a rule following population. With an underlying understanding that if someone complains about something, they are experiencing a problem. Then they must proceed to fix the problem instead of numbing it so that the symptom does not reoccur.

Now for some examples!

  1. Natural food is less present, and farming is run by large organisations. Food/drinks we get, like dairy, wheat/grains and alcohol causes health problems and numbs us. Especially in the case of the A1 protein.

Solution: Eat naturally occurring foods like sweet potato, and develop farming communities.

  1. Air conditioning and housing has separated us from physically sensing the world. Our bodies are becoming less and less capable of surviving temperature changes. Your temperature regulation systems need exercise, just like your muscles need exercise.

Solution: Experiment with extreme temperatures in the shower.

  1. Digital systems and products have separated us from developing communication skills by making communication more limited. We just send texted symbols now!

Solution: Get together with others outside (in nature), talk to whoever is in the house, and talk over voice on Discord.

Habits we develop have to be strong, we have to mean what we change!
Most of all, your entire body has to learn to reject unhealthy behavior.
For this reason we should experience the things we do not want to do!
While doing it, slowly let it sink in that this "thing" is "actually" really horrible,
"and I won't have it anymore!"

Now, let that sink in with a song.
