Should Companies Be Allowed To Photo Shop Models?

in #life9 years ago

With Photoshop, and the like, being so readily available for all to use nowadays, should companies be allowed to photoshop their models? 

Although I would like to say just recently, this has been happening for years. Companies usually in the fashion industry have been known for Photoshopping their models, usually to make them smaller. The only difference now is there are so many apps and programmes on the market for everyone to use that anyone can make themselves look different, but thats a whole different topic. 

Brands like Victoria Secret, have been in the press again recently for photoshopping their advertisements for their products. I love Victoria Secret, and anyone that knows me, knows I religiously watch the show every year and worship all of the angels completely. But should they be allowed to photoshop the girls to make them look smaller than they already are? 

This is the most recent controversial edit. The model on the left, Martha Hunt, supposedly looks edited. Where you may ask? Her arm is seen to look too long with her elbow in a disjointed place. Upon looking at Martha usually, she has a slim build so I can't really see any difference, and as long as it hasn't offended her, I don't really see the problem.

Now the most known photoshop fail for Victoria Secret is seen here... 

And you can think of that, what you will. 

But should companies legally be allowed to manipulate models bodies to better show off their products? I understand that the whole point of adverts is to get people interested, whether that be bad editing for that reason or to make the product suit the body better. What I do not understand is, why not choose someone who can show off your product the way you want it to, without showing off an unrealistic image to your viewers? 

I do not believe, that over-editing bodies especially those with a lack of clothing on, can help anyone at all. As a teen girl growing up in a media saturated world, seeing the bodies of (mostly) girls, and thinking should I be aspiring to look like that? Although I feel as though I can separate myself from the unrealistic images and understanding that they are fake, I wonder if still seeing the images and wanting to look like a photo can still infiltrate my thoughts. 

In smaller words, even if you know its fake, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't still want to look like it. Which is not healthy for anyone, male female old young anyone. Don't get it wrong, this doesn't just happen to impressionable young teen girls, older generations seeing how little wrinkles or the right colour hair they should have, just as males will feel pressured to look like the adverts they see- even if they don't truly accept it. 

 Dr Alex Yellowlees, a consultant psychiatrist, states that the obsession amongst society with size zero celebrities may be fuelling a rise in anorexia and eating disorders and in our modern society the relentless promotion of the idealization of thinness has put women of all ages under intense pressure to strive after the attainment of body perfection.  This makes me wonder whether the celebrities we see in all of the magazines or online are truly as small as we believe they are, OR are they edited that way? 

Furthermore, a controversial concept of why photoshopping of models is used, is to contribute to society. As long as you feel that you need to change yourself, the government will make money. Whether that means buying into more face creams or a gym membership or a diet plan. 

Just remember when you see something online that makes you feel bad about yourself or makes you doubt yourself, is that person real or is it just the government trying to control your feelings of yourself?

Thanks for taking a read, let me know what you think of this topic! 


What I do not understand is, why not choose someone who can show off your product the way you want it to, without showing off an unrealistic image to your viewers?

I agree with you!

Thank you!! It just seems so logical

I think the guys are going to blow this post up for the pics. :)

haha! thats not quite the purposed of this :-)