Should you get married?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Finding your Significant Other, Falling in Love and eventually tying the knot is every couples dream right?

Should we really get married or is it all a big show to your family and friends who can produce the biggest party? Last weekend my cousin got married to a lovely man and they had a huge weekend long celebration in a castle. 

But why do people get married? After a long discussion with my SO, where I (being a typical romantic) supported marriage through and through, and he thought there wasn't much point. In some ways, I can understand- why do you need to do something to officially be together? Is loving each other not enough?

However, I love the idea of getting married or tying the knot and really telling the world that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone through sickness and health and good times or the bad. 

Although I don't feel that it has to be a huge day, if you were to say to me that the only condition I could get married was having my closest family there- I wouldn't blink an eye. I also think its a great goal to build up to and achieve. Often weddings may be on the more expensive side, so saving up for something together to show your affirmation with each other is one of the best reasons to get married! Also, you can be with your SO from a young age, and passing through each new stage of life watching each other is great- but how much better would it be to enter a new stage together? 

This is a photo I took from my cousins wedding, they'd just signed all the papers. There is not one persons face that you can see where they look sad or disappointed for the couple, its a huge celebration for them and their family and realistically their new lives they're departing to start with each other! 

SO what do you think of marriage, is it a necessity or just a luxury? 

This is a photo of me and my (believe it or not- little!!) brother. It truly was a magical weekend and I will always love weddings!


My husband and I got married with just family and close friends watching, followed by lunch. It was a day that I will never forget and one of the happiest days of my life. I can't imagine having a huge wedding, it is way too much stress! My wedding was pure joy and we were surrounded by people that were truly happy for us.

that sounds so lovely! I truly think weddings or getting married is for you and your wife or husband. No one else. As long as people don't get caught up in trying to top weddings, as I have seen a couple! congratulations :)

Yes I do believe marriage to be extremely important. It is two people coming together and promising to each other and to their family and friends that they commit to be faithful to ONLY each other until death parts them.

I am a much better person because of my marriage to my wife and the kids that God has blessed us with in that marriage.

i really like this! i am definitely going to mention about this to my significant other as this runs alongside my views also!

Marriage is an agreement that one will not run away from another. this question is in my mind from a long time. If two are really in love with each other, why is there a need for marriage and agreement? If they don't love each other anymore, what's the meaning to be in a realtionship. system sucks

I understand what you mean, it's a difficult situation as you don't want to be peer pressured into doing something just because everyone else is. But i just truly truly love the ideals a marriage brings :-)

There are financial benefits to both men and women who get married, but if the marriage fails there are some huge financial risks for men (not always, but in general). This is one reason so many men are marriage-shy.

i do understand, I believe this is why a lot of the more well off opt to go for a prenuptial agreement. If the other person can't agree to it, I believe that will speak volumes of its own! As long as you and your other half are happy, that is all that matters :)

That is a good way of looking at it. You appear to be a very positive person, and that will serve you more than anything else... including a prenup.

thank you for taking a look!!