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RE: One Moment I Was Fine, Then The Next Moment My Back Is Out Of Place

in #life6 years ago

There are exercises to strengthen the lower back and if you go to the manual therapist he will straighten your back in a minute it's like pop klik klak and you are walking again. In Holland it costs like 38 euro the problem with walking thru with it is your whole back will be a problem. Go to yoga.

Posted using Partiko Android


Thanks for the tips. In California we have the chiropractor, it costs about $50 on the low side, but first they have to take an x-ray then that costs more money. The vitamin C did pay off though. I am back to normal now. Thank you @hans001!

An x ray? To straighten your back? Oh ok. Well they say it would be harmless it's like krakkerdiekrak with certain positions and your up and running again. Oh vitamin c doesn't set your spine in the right position but if it works for you I would advise going to the doctor. 😊

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