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RE: Emotion vs Logic: This Town Is Big Enough for the Both of Us.

in #life8 years ago

Excellent points! I may need to use you as my spokesperson next time I talk to him ;)

The work was corporate training. The hours would not be significantly more but I wouldn't really feel like I was helping. That is a big piece for me. I have nothing against corporate trainers at all. In fact, I respect every job as long as its honest and it allows the person to take care of their family.


i get you exactly, i am a college student( this year or the next one i will earn my degree ) and i want to follow the path of HR that includes the corporate training and both of my parents are teachers in primary and high school so i believe i am capable of understanding your position and what are you saying better than others
you cant change your father's in law logic now, the same logic applies here too, some believe being a teacher=lazy,you dont actually work etc etc and as i believe you are older than me and more experienced you know the same applies everywhere for any job and what i mean by this is that mostly anyone judges someone else's work without knowning in reality the ''hardships'' and what exactly ''they do''

So bottom line either dont pay attention even though its annoying to hear the same and same ''nonsense'' or if you got the chance(thats not easy to do it) take him in your job one day in order to see himself what you actually do or in some achievments your students made with your help then maybe if he watch himself either what you have to do in a class or the joy of your students when they achieved something with your help maybe that reminds him the happiness of his kids when they were young or at least what you do and how you benefit society

An example i want to give ( i know i may tire you cause i tend to type a lot) my father have the idea to create in primary school a small ''farm'' that kids can grow their own fresh biologic vegetables themselves and as result their will get to take it in home and eat it. what parents first said was ''you make our kids farmers? we want them doctors-lawyers not farmers thats for losers'' Some other purposes that not everyone get at the start were 1)kids come closer to nature 2) kids learn another skill, how to grow vegetables 3)kids actually eat or try that vegs that they never ate before 4) they learned teamwork 5) they had to give a small % to other families in school that are poor
Now the ''what's wrong with you teacher'' ''our kids are not farmer or losers'' became ''thanks a lot teacher'' ''you are a great teacher'' ''my kid eats vegs thanks a lot'' etc etc i think that example can give you a lot to think about!

Your dad sounds like a great teacher ... who has raised a great kid!

"mostly anyone judges someone else's work without knowning in reality the ''hardships'' and what exactly ''they do''". This is one of my biggest pet peeves in the world. It drives me nuts! You are clearly wise beyond your years.

thanks for your kinds words, yes i think they did a good job too :P

''This is one of my biggest pet peeves in the world. It drives me nuts!'' 100% true and thats one of the reasons i believe many problems have occured both in world lvl or a country one but thats another big conversation! Anyway the main point is follow your beliefs and dreams( except if they hurt others) and prove him wrong if you may, if not well we cant be liked by everyone and still you have his daughter :P

Oh yeah I've already won!