Popularized Death
Three days ago, Jong-hyun Kim was found dead in his apartment.
The name might not immediately evoke a face at first for most readers. Jong-hyun is one of the most well-known pop-stars in Korea, a 27-year-old powerhouse and one of the rare few to break off form the major pop group, in this case Shinee, and launch a successful solo career. He was the Justin Timberlake of NSYNC. The Victoria Beckham of the Spice Girls. And at the very height of his career, on an enviable platform of absolute popularity, Jong-hyun Kim took his own life, leaving a world of support behind.
Jong-hyun in the middle. Source: Soompi
I won’t talk that much about Jong-hyun specifically as a person. The event of course saddens me. I enjoyed a number of his songs when I was younger and I admired his eccentric attitude. I was blown away by the sudden tragedy. Korean celebrity suicides are by no means rare in a country with the highest suicide rate amongst developed countries, but they are often associated with personalities on the downturn of their profession. Jong-hyun was not in this situation - he was one of the most recognizable male faces of k-pop.
What I do want to take a moment to talk about is the effect his death will have on the country. Like I mentioned, celebrity suicide is not uncommon and the social consequences on the general public are well understood. In the past, when celebrities decided to take this drastic measure, suicide rates rose 100-200% in Korea, mostly amongst the young. Celebrity deaths have a resounding effect in a country that worships TV, music, and movie stars.

Source: Mt. Holyoke
This phenomena, coupled with the fact that the leading cause of death for Koreans between ages 14-27 is suicide, puts younger citizens at enormous risk whenever a death like this is publicized. Children and teenagers already suffer atypically high levels of depression and dissatisfaction. These publicized suicides are often the last trigger needed to prompt a wave of irreversible decisions.

Students practice “dying” as therapy. Source: Daily Mail
You have to understand, for a young person in Korea, a celebrity’s life is the most enviable beyond any other possible profession. To be a celebrity means you are rich, beautiful, “free,” respected, desired, talked about, idolized, lusted after, and overall seen as the ideal that our society can produce. This intense obsession over celebrity-style living is what drives in the beauty care industry, the plastic surgery industry, and bolsters the most profitable fanboy/fangirl industry in the world.
So for a celebrity to take his/her life (and a celebrity as widely acclaimed as Jong-hyun no less) is an absolute shattering of that aspiration. It communicates that no matter how rich you are, how popular you are, how desired or respected you are, no matter how “successful” you are in the eyes of society, your life can still be so miserable and hopeless that opting out is an actual option.
The constructed obsession and mimicry of celebrity culture is something worth a whole different discussion. I want to write this in an attempt to raise awareness and hopefully dissuade any darker thoughts of other young members. For anyone part of a Korean community reading this, please speak about this openly with those close to you. It is very very unfortunate that Jong-hyun Kim chose to do what he did, but that part of his life should never be idolized.
That's all for today. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
Solid post. Sadly suicide is all too common in Korea. Living there it is clear as to how much pressure is put on children to be successful at such a young age. This among other things leads to a stressful upbringing. Societal pressures clearly are having a negative impact on people of all ages but in particular impressionable youth.
What's even worse is a societal inability to talk about that very pressure openly. This happens again and again and again, and yet little is done.
Thanks for the comment @eyeofthemind!
Great post. I had no idea about anything that you explain in this article. In my country suicides aren’t covered by the press, but when the dead is a famous person...
No matter how enviable someone’s life seems happyness is something you must achieve by yourself.
Everybody knows someone who has everything and is miserable 😩 and someome poor and with huge problems that laughs at each one of them...
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I found the competitiveness of everything in Korea has become so demanding to the extent of hurting mental heAlth particulary to the youth society.
Celebrities being force to show their happines on set as if nothing else matters but in truth they are dying inside and reAching out seems to be showing weakness -not good for business.
Positively, Korea has a lot of a matured industries because of that. Negatively, blood , sweat and tears has to be put in order to achieve greatness.
I hope suicide is never the option for some people and with my heart I hope it is not a trend people look up for.
. Im sorry if my opinions is wrong from my observation.
The news has been a talking debate in my country too.
This is definitely a misunderstood aspect of celebrityhood, thank you for bringing it up. There is this perception that fame comes with less stress and should be the goal.
Thank you for the comment Jen!
In Israel - when a soldier takes his own life, there will be no reports that he have committed a suicide... i never knew why, now i understand - soldier are very important in the Israeli community and many children look upon them with awe, now it is perfectly clear to me that if their deed was published- it might actually make teenagers take their own life!
Thank you for expanding my knowledge!😊
That's really interesting. I'm personally unsure how I feel about it. On one hand, it's healthy to not publicize suicide, especially when serving in the military is mandatory. On the other, it's difficult not to acknowledge there decision and possible systemic/societal problem.
Thank you for the though-provoking comment @kivsha!
I do see your point of view - and the way the reason of death is defined in this case "the a tragic situation" is known to knowledgeable persons, so it keeps the reason covered while actually pointing it to those with the right knowledge of this term.
Omg. Rip to him :(
(Upvoting this comment will help street children of Manila, Philippines this Christmas season)
Very said news stars are our futures these kinds of shocking news upset every one
That's really sad, it's hard to imagine what goes on in a person's mind, especially being in that position he was in.
The age reminded me of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club
many other celebrities seem to often take to suicide at that age and it has become like a "meme".
I completely forgot about this. I was actually thinking of analogizing his death to Amy Winehouse's. I'll look more into this. Thanks for the comment @acidyo!
So Sad
I just watched the funeral service on youtube. I was really disturbed at the dozens of photographers snapping away.
Hey @hansikhouse can you do a post about the author Ma Gwang-su? Ive been kind of interested in him since I read about his death a couple months ago in the newspaper. Seems like he had a rather interesting, and very unfortunate, life.
The romanticized publicization of celebrity suicide is a big catalyst for following youth. They treat them like martyr deaths.
This is super interesting and thanks for the reference! I'll look into him and his work. Thanks for the comment @normalbro!
May his soul rest in peace, I don't know much about his music but I know more or have seen more of his pictures on social media being celebrated and adored as a celebrity. People likes him very well.
"For anyone part of a Korean community reading this, please speak about this openly with those close to you". Thank you for calling people out to speak on at the rate at which Koreans commit suicide, keep it up. Upvoted.
Thanks for the comment @owoeye!
I'm really bad :(
What a strange Students practice “dying” for as therapy. Source
I had no idea.. never having heard of this in the usa..yet it seems a lot of factual happenings... in other parts of the world are kept from us...what makes you feel that it is a copied action? what does the nation say about this? forgive me..if this is rude but..is this north or south korea?practicing death..is a very interesting concept and in my opinion can have benefits for the entire human race as this is our biggest next adventure besides life isn't it? I strongly feel it should be addressed and lived in constant contemplation..thank you for enlightening me..very interesting topic.
I'm so sad. God bless you~~
이 일 이후..유서도 읽어보고..그닥 크게 팬은 아니었던 저도 이틀간 약간 우울했어요 ㅠㅠ 옆에 정말좋은 조언자나 기댈곳이 있었더라면.. ㅠㅠ 이휴..
great posting .Korean acquired wealthy and economic development. But Korean loss their direction both personal and society. To solve this problem we have to innovate the education system overall from parents.
Interesting....I just left Korea a little under two months ago. I loved my time there, but I don't have a desire to go back. It's a very stressful culture overall. Teaching at a hagwon opens your eyes to how much is expected from kids there. I mean these kids are putting in 12 hour days. But the stressful culture also fuels the 24 hour open everything and craziest party culture I have ever seen. But besides that, from what I experienced in Seoul, it is not the type of vibe that I would want to live my life in long term.
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