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RE: Stormy Forecast for DASH - Look away if you have a weak stomach

in #life8 years ago

But please, what is your investment advice? Should I put all my eggs in one basket? If so, I need some scratch (and some chickens). I am looking forward to your review of the BrowniePoints over on the OpenLedger, too! I like brownies, so I'm hoping it's ok to stock up! ; )


Oh yes, chickens definitely go in baskets! And eggs. Hold on. I will have to draw a graph!

OK, I will hold on. But if any of my eggs get Dashed, there will be heck to pay. You can pay me in those BrowniePoints. They seem to hold their value -- at zero, true. But holding value is worth something, isn't it?

Oh no, havent you heard of being left holding the bag? Apparently it is based ona true story of an old englishman at the turn of the century who drank the wrong tea in a cafe or something like that. Anyway, it was very bad :O)