My Stupid and Silly Dog

in #life7 years ago (edited)

My silly 🐕 dog

Note : my apologies for my mistake words or grammar

He is my silly 🐕 dog, and live with my parents. He have ever lived with me for one year. He is an ugly and silly🐕 dog but has good trait and character. He used to chase me for a mile when I wanted to go work even at that time ride motorcycles but he have always "escort" me for almost a mile. Even when I went home and near five hundreds meters from my home, he chase me and welcomed me. There was a awesome activity when he lived with me, he always guard my neighbors home when they were not home also he slept on front of my neighbors home. In the middle of night he has always watch our neighborhood to guard. He always obey me and my parents. Yes he is my silly and stupid 🐕 dog (hpx)

Your dog is normally fine. There are no ugly dogs; only ugly people.

yes, thank you for your kindly words :)

Ternyata hewan pun memiliki etikat baik, meski anjing itu terlihat sangat buas.

Betul mas, tergantung dari kitanya, kalau Kita perlakukan baik biasanya mereka juga baik

the beautiful plain dog

yes... thank you :)

@happyphoenix warna bulu sangat bagus dan tebal...

oh..iya terima kasih :)

Cantik anjing nya @happyphoenix, teringat sama orang, pengen punya anjing untuk dibawa berburu.

ha..ha.. terima kasih, dulu saya punya anjing pemburu dan akhirnya diminta sama teman bapak saya untuk dijadikan anjing pemburu, ya saya serahkan dengan rela hati karena memang anjing itu jenis anjing pemburu. :)

Nice bang...@happyphoenix, anjing adalah binatang kesukaan saya karena dia adalah binatang yang setia.

terima kasih kawan :)

Anjing Mahkluk juga, ya tentu jinak karna binatang peliharaan.

betul... terima kasih atas komentarnya :)

But this dog is faithful.
Buktinya dia selalu menjaga rumah tetangga anda dan sangat patuh pada orang tua anda.
Memang itu sifat lumrah anjing..
Bagi ku post you very good bro@happyphoenix Stupid and silly dog.this is good post..

terima kasih :)

Anjing yang lucu ya tapi saya takut sama anjing hehehe

ha..ha.. terima kasih :)

Hhhh you mean this clever cute Doggy :) He loves you and care for you!

yes, indeed actually he is a clever dog :)

Anjing yg lucu, punya @happyphoenix y?

iya itu anjing saya :)

Anjing peliharaan ya?

iya betul :)

So sweet.., sungguh anjing yg penurut dan pinter.

iya... terima kasih, memang dia penurut :)

Anjing yg comel dan lucu.

Salam kenal

terima kasih, salam kenal juga :)

A wonderful and intelligent dog)). Cute).

yes, he is actually clever dog, but I just remembered him when he trid to play with a kitty but the mother of kitty thought my dog attacked her kitty, then she chased my dog. My dog just run away, that was the first time I saw cat chased a dog...ha..ha. ! :)

Courageous cat)).

Anjing yang lucu teman. Salam sukses dari saya @happyphoenix

terima kasih, salam sukses juga :)

Nampaknya jinak itu @happyphoenix,, apa kepunyaan di rumah itu ya,,!?

iya dia jinak, betul itu anjing saya di rumah orang tua saya :)

A happiness has a faithful animal. I think he's a good dog, and his silliness is countless joy, he's incredible ...

indeed he is a good dog, he always entertains and calm dog :)

Yes brother... You right

:) unik gutu anjingnya.Anjing siapa ni bg @hippyphoenix

anjing saya ... terima kasih :)

anjing nya lucu ya..,
@happyphoenix saya bleh bertanya ngk

Makasih, nanya apa ya? Boleh

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oe gitu ya, klau sering upvote baru voting power nya yg kurang ya

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Indeed, Your faithful and loyal friend the dog. They know how to be grateful to their master. It is always nice to see with what joy they run towards them or accompany with such sincere love in their eyes. Thank you for sharing your pet's portrait.

Thank you for your nice comment. Yes he is loyal for our family even for our neighborhood. :)

The Labrador Retriever is the #1 favorite breed in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.

Indeed, Labrador retriever is one of my favorite dog.

That's a good dog you got there! It's nice to know more dog lovers here too. 😊

Thanks, nice too know dog lover here on steemit platform :)

Even when you say "silly" dog, I hear love for this animal. After all, this is the only creature in the world that will always be next to you. And, if necessary, he will sacrifice his life for your salvation!

Yes you're right