A note from me :
I try to make this a free translation, Indonesia to English using translation tool and give some adaptations in English Translation. Sorry if there are many mistakes in this translation
I take this defense memo from Intisari.grid.id and regional.kompas.com
Untuk Versi Bahasa Indonesia bisa langsung klik ke link di atas.

Just reminiscing, Fidelis Arie Sudewarto detained the National Anty-Narcotics Agency (BNN) due to the growing of 39 plants of Cannabis. He was planting Cannabis for taken extracts used to cure and caring for his wife, Yeni Riawati who suffered from a rare disease syringomyelia. Fidelis convent was arrested on February 19, 2017 and exactly 32 days after he was arrested, his wife else died on March 31, 2017. The plan, the Council's verdict will be implemented Fidelis on 2 August 2017.
Chapter One - Before Using Cannabis
First of all, I thank the Honorable Panel of Judges for the opportunity given to me to deliver my personal defense memo.
Since I was detained, I no longer have the freedom to always be with my sick wife until my wife passes away. In fact, all this time I was the most understand and conceive about the circumstances and condition of my wife.
Containment against me made me have no opportunity to explain many things to my wife. I can only devote my feelings in the form of writings in a book.
The writings that later I became summary letter I addressed to my wife. The letter became the most important part in my defence memo which I will read in the trial this time.
That day on February 19, 2017, after I was invited to the Office of Sanggau BNNK and finally they arested me, at about 14.00 or 2 pm, officers from the BNNK, a member of the police force, and one ambulance unit took me back to the House. They will be evacuated my wife, Yeni Riawati. With a tight escort of the officers, I escorted headed into my home. I am heading to the room where my wife lay sick.
I kissed both her cheeks and smoothed her hair with my hands. My wife already woke up ask, "why Papa crying?" I tried to smile.
While holding the tears, I said to my wife, "coauthors Papa from BNN will take care of Mama and find cures for healing Mama." I then wiped the tears on the cheeks of my wife so thats he is more calm and not worry about, but it happens in my heart actually stirring amazingly.
Furthermore, the Tribunal Judges that I exalt, let me read out a letter to my wife this as part of my personal defense memo. Mama, a lot of things Papa wanted to point out to Mama. But, Papa didn't want to make Mama became worried. Mama must keep the spirit in order to get well soon.
Papa knows as long as this Mama already weary and desperate because of the pain that Mama suffering failed to recover, though it's been changing hospitals, already eating an assortment maniy kind of drugs from a doctor, go to a variety of alternative medicine, and drinking herbal medicines.
However, all of that doesn't make Mama get better, instead of just drain out of all our savings that we've painstakingly gathered together.
We plan to paint the House must ran aground again, but since we managed to build our simple home gradually, we've yet to paint it, even up to the roof there is a leak, Papa ever could not fix it.
Papa did not want Mama to be sad. The most important Mama must be cured first. Of course Mama still remember prayers we always said when we pray the Rosary prayer together: "Lord we submit everything to you. Give us a step-by-step path towards Thy goodness so that everything be wonderful on time."
Mama, God finally shows his power. By the end of 2015, the doctor managed to ensure disease Mama suffered. The doctor said that Mama is suffering from disease syringomyelia.
According to doctors, the disease is classified as rare. The only way to treat it is with surgery. However, the condition of the Mama has been very weak. Doctors do not recommend Mama to undergo surgery. The risk is too great. Mama could have lost their lives.
In addition, equipment and medical personnel, it is not sufficient. Doctors can't do much to treat Mama. Papa becomes very sad. Papa then collects information from various sources about the disease Mama.
One of the information Papa derived from the website Worldwide Syringomyelia and Chairi Task Force. Papa contacted its founder and get acquainted with it. Her Name Is Beth Nguyen. He lives in Northwest Georgia, United States.
He explains the details of disease syringomyelia to Papa. He also teaches and gives a guide to caring for and know the progression of the disease syringomyelia in a simple, even anyone who read the guide can do the treatment yourself at home. Papa actually wanted to introduce Beth Nguyen to Mama. However, Beth never explained that the disease has been found since more than 200 years ago has not found a cure until now.
Actions are siphoned off liquids and installation of shunt operation via the cateter only makes the sufferer feel comfortable at a certain period of time. The liquid it will come back and the shunt must be replaced again with the cateternya operation. Papa didn't want to make Mama become desperate because the disease cannot be cured Mama total through medical action. Papa ever canceled the intention to introduce Beth Nguyen to Mama.
Armed with the knowledge that Papa can from Worldwide Syringomyelia and Chairi Task Force, Papa could care for and know the conditions of the Mama. Mama's condition declined. Mama increasingly difficult to swallow food, although food for Mama is already mashed.
Both of Mama leg getting stiff. Mama couldn't even feel when massaged on feet or when Mama Papa cleaned it. Stiffness it even extends to the left hand Mama. Mama's hand being folded and cannot be moved. Sweat on the right body Mama also did not stop.
Urine in the catheter increasingly often bring a white lump until finally the catheter was clogged. Mama any more and rarely Defecation , sometimes up to two weeks.
Mama gets harder to sleep. If they could fall asleep, it was just briefly once. Mama easily shocked and awakened. Mama always refuse if spoken to. Papa becomes very sad. Whereas, the wounds on the body of Mama keeps growing and getting bigger as well as in.
A nurse come to the House every day treat wounds any Mama to improvising and confused because the wounds that failed to heal.
so emotional story hanto .. but he was detained because cannabis is illegal in that region, however , cannabis can help complicated and serious health condition... i felt sad for Papa :(
Yes, this is rare case, because he used cannabis for cure. Many people suprised about this case.
ini yang akhirnya istirnya meninggal dan suaminya di tahan ya? kasihan ya. .
dilema dari sebuah hukum mas, yang ini untuk kesehatan malah di tangkap, tapi sayang yang merusak bangsa dengan narkoba malah masih bebas.
Betul mas, memang sangat disayangkan.... padahal di negara Kanada dan beberapa negara bagian AS sudah melegalkan penggunaan marijuana untuk pengobatan dengan pengawasa ketat.
Nah itulah susahnya mas, kita tahu,sendiri bagaimana orang kita kalo di kasi jadi pengawas begituan, bisa bablas semua. 😂
iya..ya...! :)
SIIP mas hanto
makasih :)
sama-sama mas @happyphoenix
Hukum di Indonesia itu Tumpul ke atas dan sangat Tajam ke bawah
Money can buy everything hikss:(
Ya...begitulah... biasalah urusan duit ujung2nya... siip ! :)
I really wish he could have helped her in stead of being in jail. It doesn't feel fair :(This is such a sad story @happyphoenix :(
Sampai nangis baca berita nya... seharusnya hukum membebaskan dia demi keadilan dan kemanusiaan. Saya yakin, para dokter,polisi dan bnn yg menangkap dia akan di laknat oleh Tuhan. Hakim nya pun pasti di kutuk. Catat nama hakim nya. Hidup nya pasti mengalami penderitaan yang sama seperti yg dirasakan oleh Fidelis.
Thank you ! :)