We are slowly turning into over-sensitive, entitled brats. Recently in Norway there have been a lot of commotion regarding a closed Facebook group called "Mannegruppa Ottar", this group is a sanctuary for dirty jokes. Jokes frowned upon by today's political correct society.
There aren't any laws broken withing the group, but content have been leaked out by bloggers and feminists and they have taken the front as moral knights because this group offends them.
The main thought behind this is: "We dont like this content, as someone can find it offensive. So it shouldn't exist."
We have freedom of speech, that entitles us to say what we wan't as long as it's within the lines of the law.
I have heard many things i don't agree with, things i frown upon. But i still respect it as their opinion.
And they are free to think whatever they want, i can disagree but i don't demand censorship. Everyone got the right to have their opinion, and you should respect that.
Even if that opinion is as far from political correct as it can be.
You may disagree with me and this train of thought, you can show your disagreement in the comment section and i will reply.

This safe space society some groups seem to nurture from is a fucking illusion. There is no such thing as a safe space in today's day and age. And there shouldn't be.
You are not a special fucking snowflake.
You are not entitled to shit.
You are a human being among many other human beings, a corn of sand on the beach.
Shielding yourself from the cold and harsh reality can't be good for you, the world is not a safe place.
We get shit and we need to deal with it, you can't just go hide away in the corner when something bad happens. That solves nothing.
I'll end this short rant with a great quote by Charles Bukowski:
"I'd decided the campus was just a place to hide. There were some campus freaks who stayed on forever. The whole college scene was soft. They never told you what to expect out there in the real world. They just crammed you with theory and never told you how hard the pavements were. A college education could destroy an individual for life. Books could make you soft. When you put them down, and really went out there, then you needed to know what they never told you.”
― Charles Bukowski, Ham on Rye
Written very well and I totally agree with you.
Thanks for the comment :)
Truth, censoring to please the sheeple believing the world is a place filled with love and tolerance is idiotic.
Life is harsh for most and that's the reality we need to face.
exactly the message i wanted to get across. :)
Thanks for the comment.
My favourite quote on the topic "You have a right to free speech, but everyone shares the right to not listen".
Things get way too PC when people get upset over jokes or opinions that don't impact them in the slightest. "Oh you got offended, that's nice"
Nice piece, upvoted and followed.
Thanks for the comment!
Correct, getting offended by someones opinion because you can't handle the fact that it differentiates from yours is narcissistic behavior.
Great post.
Thanks :)
Well for some it's slower, for those embracing this over sensitive ideology it's instantly.
I dig that Bukowski quote, have not read it before. Suits my thoughts on why I affirm my pride that I didnt go to a 4 pllus year degree institution
Thanks for the comment.
Yeah it's a great quote from a great writer :)
What I don't like about the 'safe space' shit is this: