I'm disappointed that Elon has made exceptions to his freedom of speech beliefs. Started with allowing censorship of notably offensive conservatives, and now the discussion on H1B has been put on ice at X as those who disagree have their blue checks and income through subscriptions removed.
I applaud your humility that you could be set straight. All I can say is we are a herd and it is hard to take out all of us without some of us noticing and raising an alarm. Therefore, keeping communication channels open is vital, which is why I favor HIVE. Even Telegram spooks me as they now have terms of service that allow government "spooks" to access everything they have on you through "legal means".
I hope to be able to host discussions forbidden on X to HIVE. Needs a streamlined facility for people to know they could be there and find them.
I strongly agree, and if I can help facilitate such discussions, let me know how and when I can.
Unfortunately this was always the plan. Elon isn’t a freedom of speech supporter at all. He played everybody. The guys the number 1 military contractor through Space X & other companies. The way people praised him is silly.
You're absolutely right on the money. War by deception is the name of the game, and the deceived regarding this point have already lost the war. They're just shuffling off to their terminal destination now. The panopticon isn't merely creepy anymore, because the increasing specificity of their observations has infused our user data with incredible utility to those that intend to herd us to where they want us.
People have scoffed at my maintenance of pseudonymity, at my refusal to carry a phone, at my refusal to use apps or the internet from a phone, but I didn't do these things because I'm a luddite and hate technological advance, or because I'm stupid and incompetent to do it. Now that we learn they've been tracking our travels 24/7 and have all our favorite locations mapped, including who is at those locations, and the harm that malicious actors could do us with that information, I suspect many of us wish they hadn't provided that information to their enemies. But our biometric data, that Musk doesn't yet have, at least, that's a threat orders of magnitude higher than who our loved ones are and where they live is - and that's saying a lot. With AI and deep fakes, loved ones have already been scammed by criminals spoofing the voice over the phone claiming the need to borrow a couple hundred bucks for an emergency.
I hope no one is so naive to expect that governments or corporations will keep biometric data secure. First, they just can't. The fundamental nature of physics just makes it impossible. Every monitor is a camera, and every speaker is a microphone, because physics works in both directions, and that's just the beginning of why biometric databases cannot be secure, and why using biometric ID is practically a financial death sentence. India mandated biometric ID about a decade ago. Today you can buy about half the population of India's biometric data on the darkweb for ~$80k, last I heard. Because biometric ID is used in India, whoever has your biometric data can steal your identity, and even if you're poor that can enable them to steal huge sums and leave you owing it, and guilty of any crimes committed, because your DNA, your retinal print, your fingerprint, or voice print, or whatever, was used as ID to take the money. Once your biometric data has been hacked you can never, ever change it. If someone steals your debit card, you can cancel it and get a new one. If they steal your password you can change it. But you can't change your biometric ID, and it could be used in Romania to build a credit score you will never suspect because you don't live in Romania, and that credit used to buy a house which can be sold and the mortgage and capital gains tax due is your responsibility to pay if your fingerprint signed the promissory note.
There is literally no limit to the havoc and suffering biometric ID is causing, and will cause us if we allow it. And most people will allow it because they can't answer the question 'how would you feel if you hadn't had breakfast this morning?'
The government and corporations literally don't care, and may even want your biometric data to be stolen, because they are controlled by the NWO, and the NWO wants you dead so they can steal your stuff. Musk is building out the most incredible surveillance network that has ever been conceived, Starlink (and Starshield, the proprietary military chunk of it), and even if we try we probably can't imagine all the ways that will be used against us. Musk is not our free speech saviour, isn't our friend, at all, and that's really going to hurt when he doesn't have to hide that anymore.