Hello everyone meet again with me On this occasion I will tell you a little about my activities today
Halo semuanya berjumpa lagi sama saya Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan menceritakan sedikit aktivitas saya hari ini
Today's weather was so hot I visited my friend's house to enjoy the fresh young coconut he had picked before
cuaca hari ini sangatlah panas Aku berkunjung ke rumah temanku untuk menikmati kelapa muda segar yang telah dia petik sebelumnya
after I got there it turned out that fresh young coconut had been provided, certainly very fresh with the addition of syrup and ice cubes adding to the delicious taste
setelah saya sampai di sana ternyata kelapa muda segar telah disediakan,tentunya segar sekali dengan tambahan sirup dan es batu menambah enak rasanya
my friend's house is in the vicinity of the pond, of course the air is very cold there while enjoying ice cubes and the wind blowing of course makes me very comfortable lingering
rumah kawanku ada di sekitaran tambak, tentu saja udara sangatlah dingin di sana sambil menikmati es batu dan tiupan angin tentu saja membuat saya sangat nyaman berlama-lama
while relaxing my friend plays the guitar and we sing together until late afternoon
sambil bersantai kawanku memainkan gitarnya dan kami bernyanyi bersama-sama hingga sore hari
All This Photo Taken With :
Camera : Xiaomi MI 5x
Lens : Camera Xiaomi
Photograph : @hattaarshavin
1 | Esteem |
2 | SteemJet |
3 | Poetunited |
4 | Steemschool |
5 | PAL |
6 | USC |
7 | Musing |
8 | SilentZen |
9 | Steemmonsters |
10 | Openmic |
Totally relaxed... Good pics bredren, greetings
I enjoy the day comfortably