Hello meet again with me in my simple blog, many Indonesians consider consuming the durian contains excessive cholesterol but if we continue further there are many benefits hidden in durian fruit
to be able to find out more about the benefits of Durian you should read on this blog
Good energy source
Durian turns out to be a great source of energy because there are many carbohydrates to increase energy in the body and can be consumed directly or used as processed food
For healthy bones and teeth
The presence of calcium, potassium and B vitamins is very beneficial for the health of the teeth and bones of women is strongly recommended for consumption of this waste because women are vulnerable to bone health
Delay aging
women are very susceptible to stress, so it is better to consume durian fruit, because there is a lot of vitamin C in this fruit is believed to help overcome stress
The digestive system is healthier
The amount of fiber in durian can overcome digestive diseases, the presence of thiamine and niacin can also increase appetite and improve the digestive system, so that if the consumption of your digestive system durian will improve
Useful for anemic patients
lack of folate in the human body can cause anemia, therefore it is better if people who often experience anemia consumption durian, because it can help increase red blood cells
That is some of the benefits of consuming durian, hopefully this is useful for those of you who have read it and you can try it at home, until you see the next article
Halo berjumpa lagi bersama saya dalam blog sederhana saya, banyak orang Indonesia yang menganggap mengkonsumsi durian tersebut mengandung kolesterol yang berlebihan tetapi jika kita terus lebih jauh ada banyak manfaatnya tersembunyi dalam buah durian
untuk dapat mengetahui manfaat lebih lanjut dari Durian ada baiknya kalian harus membaca di blog saya ini
Sumber energi yang baik
Durian ternyata menjadi sumber energi yang banyak karena terdapat karbohidrat yang banyak untuk menambah energi dalam tubuh dan bisa langsung dikonsumsi langsung atau dijadikan makanan olahan
Untuk kesehatan tulang dan gigi
Adanya kandungan kalsium, potasium dan vitamin B sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan gigi dan tulang wanita sangat di anjurkan untuk konsumsi buang ini karena wanita rentan terhadap kesehatan tulang
Menunda penuaan
wanita sangatlah mudah terkena stress jadi untuk melawan hal tersebut sebaiknya konsumsi buah durian, karena terdapat vitamin C banyak pada buah ini di percaya membantu mengatasi stres
Sistem pencernaan lebih sehat
banyaknya serat dalam durian dapat mengatasi penyakit pencernaan,adanya kandunga thiamin dan niasin juga mampu meningkatkan nafsu makan dan memperbaiki sistem pencernaan, sehingga jika konsumsi durian sistem pencernaan anda akan membaik
Bermanfaat untuk pasien anemia
kurangnya kandungan folat dalam tubuh manusia dapat menyebabkan anemia, maka dari itu ada baiknya jika orang yang sering mengalami anemia konsumsi durian, karena dapat membantu meningkatkan sel darah merah
Itulah beberapa manfaat konsumsi durian semoga ini bermanfaat bagi Anda yang telah membacanya dan anda dapat mencobanya di rumah, sampai berjumpa pada artikel selanjutnya
All This Photo Taken With :
Camera : Xiaomi MI 5x
Lens : Camera Xiaomi
Photograph : @hattaarshavin
wow i need that , seems yummy ...
Poetsunited - DISCORD - @poetsunited - witness upvote@hattaarshavin upvoted this post via @poetsunit!!
I really, really don't like durian - but I like your post! - @riverflows
Woo-hoo! Yay! We adore your work, and we've upvoted your post with some @naturalmedicine love! Your article now has a chance to get curated and featured under the round-up of our blog.
If you're a supporter of all things natural healing, you might like to read our introductory post here. We'd also love to welcome you on Discord here!!
Thank you for inviting me this is one of the tribute to me.
I do eat durian once in a while , still I am so amazed by the benefits . I never new durian have such benefits. If durian can have this benefit, I wonder what benefits my favorite fruit water melon would have .... Thanks my Steemit friend for sharing this health tips..
each fruit has different benefits, so very different benefits
I wish i can find those in Ireland, Very informative and nice visual photos with it!
The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!Hello @hattaarshavin, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine.