Travelling to a music show! Went and stayed at a hotel in a mall here. The Outlawz are playing at an outdoor all ages venue. Turns out my life long friend I live with has some friends she hasn't seen for a long time and they are one of the opening acts. Had no idea! This is gonna be a fun weekend!!
So my friend was trolling me on f.b. the other day about my music. So I made that song yesterday that I posted last night partly as a responce. He actually likes it. Cool, I'm having fun making the musics.
Also had a weird dream last night. Was jumping over some really tall stange looking hurdles. Maybe represents awkward hurdles to get through in life. They were like 6 feet in the air with weird straw and debris on top. Had to jump from one to another instead of over. Real strange.
Saw that horror movie Slenderman tonight. Was good 'cause it helped me remember the concept of the faceless interface. The inhuman machine that tries to control nature. So the law of nature must face the law of men down!!
Yeah. I've also been having substantially more VIGOROUS and WARPED dream activity lately. Although your "hurdle" dream PALES in comparison to my life-long "powdered donut" dream, where I am chewing on an GROWINGLY large and dry powdered donut, and with each passing second it become harder to CHEW and/or SWALLOW. After about a minute or so of this torture I am jolted out of bed SWEATING and heavily out of breath. Wonder what Freud would make of such a phenomenon...?
HeLL Yea
I feel as if there may be a Carnival aspect to your dream. That food reminds me of consumerist confection market. Instead of getting a piece of the pie they say here choke on this powdered donut! When you eat the fake food it becomes dry and empty and the rampant consumerism seems to get bigger and have no end. That sickening torture of too dry pastry donut could be the ugh factor of tasteless, sugared, white washed truths they try to gag us with.
Dreams are always awkward. Because they are different from the composition of life. It is always happy to meet old friends. Make your song good
These dreams always make mee think the next day. Those friends will be here soon! Inspired for more music to be made!
Thanks for sharing.Dear @havok777 i wanna need some funny moment but i donot have for my work.You spend your time by fun and great art.
Having a bit of the fun before summers end!
I hope you enjoyed life. thanks for sending this post.
I hope I can enjoy life more nowadays
Oh wow! What a beautiful lining art work @havok777. 😍🤗💚💙💜
Thanks for sharing this post.
Thank you, the art was so fun to make!
very nice
Enjoy your tour, sleep and eat in the best hotels. No wonder you're having wonderful dreams.
Hope you enjoyed
Waooo,,, very nice post I like and resteem this
Good post, I love travelling .you injoye life
Great ,,, post @havok777
Beautiful trevlling life.I hope you injoing
Good job . I love music in trevlling.
Interesting,,, life .
What are you doing here.
So sweet post
Was,,,very amazing
Good work at this post