Yet I feel not too bad. Resting up. The glitch with the bitcoin atm took some energy knowing how much I could use the funds right now. Finally got a response and they told me to go back to the same bitcoin atm. Ok well that is another long travel. I will do that soon.
Had the nap, ate the meal. Now I just may relax the rest of evening. Make the trip to the atm cashout tomorrow. I did more research and found there is a closer atm that accepts lite coin. So I will try that soon too as soon as I top up the funds again.
Really am doing great just takes me awhile to get bearings. Been pretty trapped and cabin fevered for a long while. That's changing. Still change is traumatic. Will need to improve and learn new skills. I figure I will have fun all the way! The old life of stress seems finished. It's a feeling like my philosophy will never fail and prevail. Alright now to figure what to do with myself for the rest of the day. Got through yesterday, still a bit more of today to go! ;)
Yo that is crazy to hear about bitcoin atm's! I haven't seen any in Colorado yet, where I'm from. It gets me excited <3
It's exciting when they work properly. But yea I still like them!
Nice post
nice post...
bitcoin really awesome for all...
great photo
thanks for sharing
good post @havok777, good luck always my friend.
thanks for update. i like this content. go ahead
Such a wonderful photograpy by @ havok777
Wel done and perfect work...
Great content