in #life7 years ago (edited)

Good morning, I want to dedicate these lines to a person who is in any corner of the world, to someone without a soul, or at least he has it ... but black ...:

The INHUMAN human being.

This post aims to denounce the situation that has emerged internationally against Venezuelans, where it has unleashed a kind of anti-Venezuelan feeling without any basis or argument, in the news and on the Internet we can see how they are produced daily humiliations to my countrymen who for one reason or another, decided to emigrate from Venezuela, racial obstacles, xenophobia, contempt, discrimination, among others ... and what you see in the news is just the tip of the iceberg, I do not even want to imagine everything what happens and that is not reviewed by a camera or a note in a news portal.

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Just look at these images of a xenophobic campaign in Peru:

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I can't understand why INHUMAN acts against people who only bet on improving their lives and decide to move to other latitudes looking for a better future, following an illusion, pursuing a hope, I would like to know if those INHUMANS know anything about history, I think who do not know that the Venezuelan people have always been a solidary, altruistic, charitable people, just with the noble causes, and to show a button: THE VENEZUELAN PEOPLE RELEASED BOLIVAR TO 6 NATIONS: THE OWN VENEZUELA, PERU, ECUADOR, BOLIVIA AND COLOMBIA (PANAMA WAS PART OF COLOMBIA)

They were the "LANCEROS", llaneros, peasants, poor but noble people who left everything, family, children, wives, mother and parents, to join the liberating armies that shed their blood throughout South America so that these countries today are free nations , not satisfied with that, in Venezuela throughout history, we have received thousands and thousands of immigrants from many parts of the world, especially from Portugal, Spain, Italy (in fact I am a descendant of an Italian immigrant who came to Venezuela fleeing the 2nd World War) China, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, among others ...

We never set conditions, we never turned our backs on anyone, much less humiliated, discriminated or made anyone feel bad, on the contrary, we all opened their arms to take refuge in this magical and blessed land, we gave him the opportunity to begin again to anyone who looked for a better future in our country, any foreigner who lives here can attest to that, I challenge any of them to affirm the opposite or to say if I am lying, it is possible that one or the other I found some obstacle, but never at the scale of the xenophobic campaign against the Venezuelan, especially in Colombia, a people that owes so much to Venezuela, there is practically no one in that country, a Colombian who does not have relatives in my country, people who fled the war, the guerrillas, the drug traffickers, the poor, the paramilitaries. Today in a derogatory tone, even their own politicians express themselves in a humiliating tone calling us "venecos", denying us spaces, employment, services, social security, and the same thing happens in several countries.

I'm sure that Venezuelans do not deserve this INHUMAN treatment, it is that in fact, "Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the right to free movement by proclaiming that" everyone has the right to move freely and to choose their residence in the territory of a State "and that" every person has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country ". The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that this right "may not be subject to restrictions unless they are provided for by law, are necessary to protect national security, public order, health or public morals or the rights and freedoms of third parties, and are compatible with the other rights recognized in the present Covenant "(Article 12.3).
The Geneva Convention of 1951 prohibits States parties from imposing sanctions on refugees who have been forced to enter the territory in an "illegal" manner and who are obliged to guarantee their freedom of movement once they have been recognized as such. (art.31 and art.26). "

I want to culminate by quoting a Facebook post from a Chilean citizen, Luis Garcia-Huidobro: "If you do not like the Haitians, if you do not like the Peruvians, the Colombians, the Chinese, anyway, if you do not like humans, grab your weás and make a big hole in the Atacama desert and he gets inside, he covers himself tightly and there he is well patriotic and very racist, and well conchesumadre and very stupid.
Human mobility is a RIGHT, which no state can remove because it predates the invention of the states or countries. Every human being has the right to live in the corner of the planet that comes to a stop. They are not taking away your house, your work, your time in the office, or anything of yours.
It is not the migrant who takes away what is yours, he understands that he is the rich, now if you shit scared to take it from the rich and prefer to be dragged shit and argue against who is more shit than you, that is not the fault of the migrant, understand! "
