in #life7 years ago

I know that condition, I have lived it, for a long time I suffered from depression and do not think it was easy to overcome it, I tell you:

As a child I went through episodes that can be said are normal, because for my childhood, the fact that 2 people separated, was something normal ...

And so it happened to me, my parents separated because my father was an alcoholic and I had to live that duel, my childhood became an obligated adult because being the oldest of 3 brothers, I had to help my mother with her upbringing, I worked from very young to collaborate with money and I missed many things belonging to a teenager. In fact, I became a father when I was 19 years old, I got married and I came to think that sadness was gone from my life, but there was always a ghost: THE ALCOHOL.

I came to think that I had overcome the evils of my childhood, the destruction of my family because of my father's alcoholism, but then a psychologist told me that this experience marked me and led me to a second condition or illness, I also fell into alcoholism, I fell into a cycle where, unintentionally, I copied the pattern that I grew up with ... I started drinking occasionally, every 15 days, on weekends, and that's how the years went by.

The disease became progressive and every time I drank more, I began to mistreat my wife, my children, to be unfaithful, I became a monster ...
as expected, the story was repeated, in 2006 my wife threw me out of the house and that was worse for my depression, the consumption of that drug called alcohol increased and I drank 1 liter of rum and 2 boxes of cigarettes daily and not to make my story so long, I summarize: I was interned in rehabilitation 2 times, once in 2009 and again in 2013, I almost died of starvation because I did not eat, I came to convulse several times and was about to have liver cirrhosis.

Thanks to God on my second internship, I had the support of my mother and my second wife, I was in a place called "The House of Life" in Caracas
there I spent 5 months receiving help from a multidisciplinary team, psychologists, psychotherapists, guides, doctors, nurses, etc. On March 21, 2014 I was discharged to start again and until today I have been sober, free from the clutches of alcohol and depression, as usual there have been problems, family, economic, couple, but I have confronted them with God and my family and I can say that I have not relapsed.

Today my 5 children from my first marriage have been closer to me, I feel that little by little the wounds are closing and with the help of God, I hope that one day they can forgive so much damage I did to their mother, to them and myself

One of the things that has helped me the most has been to forgive myself, to understand that it was not all my fault, I was sick, which does not exempt me from responsibility, but now I can understand everything else, I see the life of another I accept and I am aware of illness, in its moment I accepted the help of both man and God, if I had not done it I would not be in this world, I would not have been sober for almost 4 years, I would not have a second chance, a beautiful home, a baby barely days old, a job, a life.

I can tell young people properly, stay away from vices, perform useful activities, live their lives with dignity, be a good example for their children, love themselves, love their mothers and fathers, discard what is bad, take what Well ... that will take you away from depression ... LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL ... HAPPY LIFE FOR EVERYONE.