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RE: Why Sincerity Is The Best Social Strategy

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello Erika,
When one trains to see others mistakes as if was done by a unknowing child, it takes the pissed off attitude from arising and brings about gratitude and appreciation.
I do recommend Cloud Atlas for anyone whom has had that feeling that they have met others they they have met from another time.
Huge Grant, Tom Hanks and Haley Barry place 7 roles in the movie, along with numerous other famous actors playing multiple roles. At the end of the movie they show you who is whom in the movie.. hard to capture and get it all in the first watch unless you smoke a fatty and focus.

If you ever wish to chat, I am on Wire @healthiswealth or even better way better then Skype. [email protected]


Smoke a fatty, and focus on Cloud Atlas. Sounds like a winner. As does that cast! I sent a request on Wire.

Cloud Atlas Rocks as does Weed ;)
Got you now on Wire but still no phone so I may be delayed to respond immediately.
Looking forward to getting together with you.