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RE: Finding Your Center

in #life7 years ago

Oh no! The dreaded comment loss just happened to me... I'll start over again!

Jessica, this means so much to me that you've included me in this post and I am so honoured to be mentioned here in this spiritual, meaningful way!

My heart burst with happiness when I read this, I feel like you can see into my soul and are so intimately connected with me as you speak such incredible truth of what is dear to me.

I am so proud of you for taking time to center, figure out your own wants and needs and not give into everyone else. I know you were feeling pressured and overburdened but I am so happy to hear that you've taken time to zone in and recover what's important to you- that will bring the most joy!

<3 I am sending you my thoughts (you're not too far away so they shouldn't take too long to get to you ;)) I think this message is very important for people to hear as this platform can be incredibly draining when we are all "trying too hard!"

It's with ease, flow, trust and love that we will find what we are after! Thank you for being a reminder of this <3


Sometimes it take a while to recenter our lives when we allow busy schedules to throw us out of balance. And I am right now just enjoying, and finally reading in steemit with my cup of herbal tea and leave my mind calm from all the noises in the world.
My thoughts and prayers are with you too! Buzz me when you are back in KL with your grocery roster. We'll chill if I am in town!Aw you are always so sweet with your comments @heart-to-heart ! And I am so sorry that your first comment was lost!

It's OK, it must have wanted to go somewhere else and enforce me to say what I ended up saying to you instead ;)

Yes, you're right, we are too busy all of the time and recentering is so important to get back on track so love to hear you taking your time with your tea 🤗

I'm not sure what's going to happen with travel with this volcano so I will have to see how that all turns out but right now I am scheduled to fly into KL end of Oct but only briefly for my connection.

Hopefully we will meet again soon, it was so fun last time! I need some specialty items that I have already gone through since last time ;) I didn't stock up enough LOL 😘