I thought...

in #life2 years ago

We are used to saying...

  • No I can't
  • I don't know
  • I cannot do that

To all the things that we never even tried. We rarely say...

  • Yes, I can give that a try
  • I think I can learn that slowly
  • I can do that better after several trials

I used to say to myself...

  • I hate the stairs
  • I cannot climb the hills
  • I am not fit enough to do that

Yesterday(15.04.2023), Unaware of the news going around I brought my daughter for a hike at Kopungit Hill. She was so excited because I rarely bring her out for outings. I am always worried that we will spend too much money going out of the house. The fact is we still spent a lot of money staying at home. Then I thought why not just spent time together outside the house on the weekend?

I look at the hills and I thought to myself, perhaps we just climb a little bit and come down right after. On the contrary, my daughter was so excited that it bring us way up to the top. After reaching the top, she then immediately wants to go home after seeing the sight. There was a fire nearby at that time and I thought I follow the route that was farther away from the fire but in the end it is the longest way down and I do not dare to continue going down deeper into the jungle. Therefore we climb back up again and I need a few stops before I can reach the top. It is a bit steeper path than the one we used to go up before. (Actually, I forgot the way down haha)

My daughter end up becoming too tired and she cried a bit. She even tried her best to pull me up(85kg) with her little 5-year-old body(almost 18 kg).
"I want to go home fast", she said to me, "you need to move Mom. Come on." While crying and pulling me so I keep moving up the hill. Following her, I forgot about the tiredness and incompetence I felt inside and I notice that I can actually climb back easier than before although I need a lot of stops to control my breath and heartbeat. Going down is no longer a trouble for me, so to compensate for her tiredness, I carried her down. I need to train more so I can go up easier. My poor girl was so exhausted and she sleep in the car the whole way home. She got a good night's sleep too.

It was a good day in the wrong weather. I think I should do it more often now. In better weather. I need to find a way to find extra money to stabilize our finances too. Few more years and this is a good year to start a new one again. This time it will be the two of us until she grows up and got her own life to be busy with.