Henry Gant, "Man About Town" This episode: Finding @thouser.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

We've all been there, That thought, that we have just been writing to the wind.
Carefully crafting information, and artfully presenting it to our Steem.it peers. And then setting our creation free to the Blockchain. Eagerly we watch as the minutes, hours, then days pass. And then, one or two views . . . and no upvotes.

Undeterred, we venture forth again . . . "Never give up, Never surrender!" This time, we get three or four views . . . no upvotes . . . and silence,

  • tick tock, tick tock.-

Again and again, we go to crack the code, which is Steem.it. And we find that our zenith was a total of five views . . . and a single upvote . . . from . . . our selves.

"I was told my voice was worth something!" *Worthsomething . . . worthsomething . . . worthsomthng . . ." comes the echo from the empty chamber of our blog.
And in a cavern of despair, we want to want to end the pain of emptiness . . . on our hand and knees ready to quit . . . our hand searches for a hold. A way to stand again. A rock to grasp firm.
And then something wonderful happens . . . a diamond.
A diamond! Sitting there all this time! No one has picked up this diamond!

In the clamor to be heard I pick up a Diamond . . . I find a user whose content constitutes riches in abundance.
Information presented in a clear and concise manner from a knowledgeable source. -literal life-changing wisdom-
And guess what . . . No one is listening.

This will not do . . . this will not do.

"Steem.it" was never about me . . . it's not about the individual, it is about US what we do for each other.

give thouser a listen.@thouser has the right vibration, the cord, of a finely tuned stringed instrument . . . like a Violin.

Not for thouser . . . not because of Henry Gant . . . but, for yourself . . . to better your world.
You can start here:


This has been Henry Gant "Diamond hunter".

@thouser doesn't know I'm writing this. Just as many others don't know when I jump in to help promote, someone, an idea, a blog . . . or just donate to the cause.

All images are from the magical internet.


Well, if you aren't the kindest man. :) I'm not sure how I will ever repay you for your kindness, but I'm going to try.
Thank you.

you will grow, just time . . .
this is just the beginning.

I like this line...

Steem.it was never about me . . . it's not about the individual, it is about US what we do for each other.

US.. The collective US on Steemit!

It's like having a garden . . .