Have you ever felt like the World around you is moving so fast and everyone in it and you are the only one left behind?
Well, that is how I feel some times but immediately that feeling comes knocking, I immediately confront it with the words of the wise man that says
there is a time for everything.
You see the whole World has defined success in such high standards that so many people out there are intimidated by others' level of success that they fail to appreciate the little success they are making at their current level.
The pressure is becoming increasingly great on the shoulders of young men and women who want to be successful in life just like their peers to make their families and loved ones proud. But one thing many fail to realize is that the pathway to success is different for everybody. The route and the time is different from everybody. It's just like a group of people going to the same destination but chose different routes. Some routes longer and some shorter, others more challenging and some less challenging, some with lots of obstacles and others with less. It is different for everybody and the key to get there is patience and perseverance.
Many take the journey of success out of proportion and turn it into some form of competition. It is not a competition in anyway; if your friend or someone gets to taste success first celebrate them while working and waiting patiently for your own turn. Don't be jealous or feel defeated because someone else is successful and you are not. Their being successful does not hinder your own success or obstruct your own success story in any way. So, why the competition, the jealousy and the hate in people towards another's success?

You don't have to be that way. I keep telling myself be patient, your time will surely come. I celebrate others' success stories, use it as motivation for myself to keep on going and not to give up knowing my time will surely come. I once heard someone say
be happy when others around you are being blessed. It means there is blessing in the neighbourhood and it will soon reach you.
These simple words have echoed in my ears so many times when doubts and feelings of being left behind came knocking. It just puts me back on track and focused on my own path to success.
Dear reader, I know how hard it can be to see others' life around you seem so perfect and yours a chaotic scene, to see others living in luxury and you from hand to mouth, others getting the expensive stuff and you can barely afford a meal, watching your peers going places in their careers and you stagnant at the same level, your mates getting married and having happy families and you all alone. It is a difficult path to tread but you must not give up. The path to greatness is not easy but those who endure it at the end are glad they did and their stories of perseverance, patience and resilience motivates generations to come. Just always remember, Your time will surely come and when it finally does, all the suffering, pain, tears and hardship will be stories for your children.
There is a time for everything. Weeping may tary for the night, but joy cometh in the morning. Your time will surely come!