I first discovered the world of Pub Quizzes in my student years. I remembered that in Strasbourg, when I was studying English, I got roped in a team to play in an Irish bar of the city center and it was instantly an eye opener: I could enjoy a great night out, have a drink and a laugh and also make good use of my general knowledge outside of a classroom! 🍻 ^^
I took part in Pub Quiz in pretty much everywhere I went afterwards but it's really only in Granada that I have really decided to devote myself to it seriously and consistently. So, for the past 5 years I have been going quite regularly, at least once a month to the Pub Quiz which is organized in the Hannigan Pub, one of the few Irish bar which graces that great city💪.
But... You will tell me know... What is a pub quiz exactly? Yeah.. True. It's very simple: once a week, the Quiz guy comes with a series of questions about actuality, sport, trivia or music, and the audience in the pub form teams to answer the questions. Of course, using a mobile phone to find out the good answers is strictly ⚠ prohibited ⚠ you have to rack your brains and follow the news and make good use of your general knowledge to find out the right answers.
Every pub quiz follow a different pattern, but they are somewhat similar, and when it comes to Hannigan's one, it amounts to 5 rounds of 12 questions about:
NEWS AND GOSSIPS(better read carefully last weeks news for this one)
POT LUCK (anything goes)
A THEME ROUND (it can be about Harry Potter, a TV series, a country, depends the whim of the host!)
A SPORT ROUND (questions about... you guessed it... sport!)
HISTORY ROUND (events, births and deaths which happened on the day of the quiz in history - previous reading of WikiPedia is mandatory in that case)
And finally, the 6th and last round is a music round: a blind test where the intro of 12 songs are played and we must find out the title of the song and the name of the artist - not as easy as it sounds!
So, that makes 12 points for the 5 first rounds and 24 for the last round, a potential 84 points!
Last night, I'm pleased to say that with my team we won the First Prize, with 69 points! 🙌🏆 See how happy we are!👀
Now, do you like Pub Quiz, have you already taken part in one? Let's see if you are Pub Quiz-material, try to answer a few of those questions which came up last night:
1 - Who was overwhelmingly re-elected President for a fourth term last weekend?
2 - Which world leader said his country had nothing to do with the poisoning of a former spy in Salisbury, England, last week?
3 - What was the name of the bear in The Jungle Book?
4 - Which American state has the nickname of the Bear State?
5 - On this day in history which famous bridge was opened?
6 - On this day is the Day of the Fathers in Spain, which is the saint celebrated?
7 - Which architect and minister of the Nazi regime was born on this day?
8 - In the Bible, with how many fish was Jesus supposed to feed the multitude?
9 - To reduce risk of prostate cancer, what scientists recommended men to do 5 times/week?
10 - Which famous American actor was born in Germany on this day (19th march) in 1955?
11 - Which famous American producer was born on this day(19th march) in New York?
12 - Apart from Saint Patrick, which are the two other official saints of Ireland?
13 - Who won the rugby match between Ireland and England last weekend?
14 - Ombrophobia is the fear of ... what?
So... How many correct answers can you give me, without looking at Internet?
As you can see, the range of questions and knowledge involved is quite broad and there are questions which entice giggle and jokes and so on... So, better read carefully the knews, scour Wikipedia for information at home before to go, and find those friends who have an intimate knowledge with gossips, nature, celebrities, history and so on :) Forget about cheating with your mobile phone, because winning is really not the point in all that, but having a good time and a good laugh and thanks to the organizer (see the photo on the left, he takes his job very seriously: who has been leading that event for 13 years!) we are sure to have a good laugh in the end.
I love it
Read to write haa.go on.wish you all the best.go ahead on your way.
I am impressed. Keep writing 👍
Tried answering but realized i couldn't answer without checking the internet...
¡Increíble post! Felicitaciones 👏❤
Gracias, @gabymusica !
I had never heard of Pub Quiz before! Sounds a lot of fun!!!
It is! And it's addictive haha... If not i would not go back there every monday ^^
Hahaha I see!
Never been to pub quiz! It would be fun to go with some friends and some alcohol :D I don't know many answers to your questions, but I have many of them on "the top of my toungue"! Sounds like a lot of FUN!
yeah, it is fun, thanks to the host and his dirty jokes especially ^^ I'm sure there are Irish pubs in Zagreb, check them out, I bet there are pub quiz there :) And then let me know and i'll jump in the plane and we'll make an A-Team to win the big prize!
Woo-hoo! OK, sounds like a deal... I promisse to do a little research and get back to you... :) 🐭
We have lots of pub quizzes in my local area so I've been to quite a few @herverisson. If you wanted to you could go to a different one every day here. My son goes to more than I do though and he's better at them. 😁
I don't remember much trivial stuff so that puts me at a bit of a disadvantage.
haha I'd love to have one every single day ^^ As for the trivia stuff, it's great that there are different themes in each round, that leaves enough questions for different people to answer... We have different people who attend, mostly anglo-saxon of course, so knowing about US and UK news is mandatory, but sometimes there are stuff about history, sports, cinema and there it's for everyone :)
Trivial was the wrong choice of workd @herverisson. I suppose I really meant general knowledge or random facts. I'm not good at remembering either of those! 😊
Man coincidence I just came home from a pub quiz, my team hosted this round. We actually have a league here and we are competing for 3 years now, we also participating in a national competition.
Wow! That sounds much more serious than mine haha ^^ Is it in Sibenik? One more reason to come back to that fabulous town!
Yes, it is in Šibenik in the Azimut bar, there is even an open-air edition during the summer months :)
oh what a great idea! I adore quizzes!!
I was playing them so much sime years ago!
pleasant memories. I like clever games-)
it'll be great if Steemit has something alike...maybe we will organize smth alike?
for example, we can post some puzzles?-)
I thought about organizing something similar, but on the web it's a bit tricky... Too easy to cheat by looking for the answer on Internet... :-/ How could we do? The idea of the puzzles is intriguing too... How would you do it?
Maybe: each Steemit user has a piece of a puzzle hidden in one of his post, and the participants must find the piece of the puzzles and reunite them all together?
a good idea! but I can hardly imagine it-)
i thought about usual logical puzzles (tasks), we experienced it in Golos (Russian clon of Steemit), a user just find a good and interesting task and make a post-puzzle, then we can make a prize fund (maybe investors will come-), and then can choose the best player of a week or a month
smth like this-)