Are You Struggling to Find Your Direction? Are the People Around You Supportive?
Guess what? You are not alone. Unless a person was lucky enough to grow up in a family of entrepreneurs then you are probably struggling finding your direction and the support you need. I was like many of you. I did not have family, friends or peers that understood my drive. It was a very lonely passion. The only person in my life who truly supported me was @Sunscape. My Mom was cut from the same cloth.
My outlet was reading books, ordering self-help courses and watching videos. If it was not for the internet I don't know if I would have ever found my path.
When Someone Tells You School is the Only Way.

If You are an Entrepreneur School is Probably Not for You.
For those of you who are reading this and think everyone should got to school, FUCK OFF! I told you this post was just for entrepreneurs or aspiring ones. People like you were the ones who keep the entrepreneurial spirit down. Go back to your cubical and shut up. Rude right? These people never shut up about how we should live our lives.

Now, back to the subject, if you feel an overwhelming tug of entrepreneurship then you better get to it. Hell if you fail 10X then you can always go back to school or learn a trade. Many tradesman go on to being very successful entrepreneurs. I think it is because so many work closely with business owners. Entrepreneurship tends to rub off on those exposed to it.
What Can You Do to Stoke the Flames of Entrepreneurship in Your Life?
- Read Books
- Turn OFF the TV
- Make Friends with Business Owners at Meetups, Conferences, Online Groups ETC.
- Start Something on the Down Low. Worry About Incorporation, Bank Accounts, Licenses ETC When You Are Truly Ready.
- Watch Youtube Videos About Your Passion.
Is It Really That Easy.
Dam straight! One thing I have learned as an entrepreneur is that people who have ideas are numerous but the people who start today and stick to it are the ones that will be successful. When someone says to me, "Randy I have an idea". I listen, wish them luck and say, "let me know when you actually start".
Know one thing, failure is a real thing. You will fail miserably along the way and the same rude people above will be there to say, "I told you so!". Fuck em, get back on your feet and try again.
But I Need Money to Start.
I will let you in on a little secret. I started my last three businesses with zero capital! We invested our time. We spent nearly 12 hours per day online building our brands over the last six years. "Randy, I don't have that much time to commit to my personal development and future success."
If you want to be successful as an entrepreneur it requires sacrifice. I personally put myself in the most uncomfortable position possible.
- I moved to another country with the mindset, "Never Retreat".
- I did not have a job.
- I had no safety net.
- I had literally no influence online.
- I had only a little bit of income from writing.
The above might seem like it would have put me in an impossible situation but here is what I came prepared with.
- Thousands of hours learning and practicing sales.
- I read hundreds of books about my passions and entrepreneurship.
- I married a supportive woman!
- I moved somewhere that had a very low cost of living.
- We did not spend our money frivolously.
- We networked with fellow entrepreneurs.
- Going to the coffee shop for hours on end, discussing our plans and executing.
- I cut off all the doubters in my life.
This Photo Was Taken Shortly Before We Launched 200 Social
Now Six Years Later Token Magic is Our Latest Endeavor.
The Token Magic team consists of entrepreneurs from all over the world. Crypto was the passion we all have in common. We literally conceived the idea in August 2017, and already have revenues that most companies could only dream about in their first few months of operation.
Get Started Today, Stop Waiting for Approval From Others.
I am giving you the permission to get started building your dreams today. We only have one life. Why spend that time being miserable pursuing something that does not fulfill you? High Five and good luck with your endeavors.
For those of you who are reading this and think everyone should got to school, FUCK OFF!
hahaaaa i agree with you fock school and like entrepreneurs project ^^
i like token ico ^^
haha great choice @salahchiva
so good and refreshing to step back and get perspective! Having just started out on this road 'officially' and find myself wondering what to do during the day...but realising it's all about learning and soaking up as much info as possible!
When my Mom recently visited Panama we went out to dinner with Adrian Scott (Napster) and Ira Miller (Bitcoin OG) and on the way home she said, "that was one of the most interesting conversations I have ever had in my life". My response was, "Mom we do this multiple times per week". Find yourself other entrepreneurs to talk to and the road gets so much easier.
I'll get on that asap! thanks
Thanks my friend for these motivations and tips
Everything in life deserves to be worth working for
Success often comes to those who dare to do business. Rarely comes to the timid who are afraid of the results
Success does not end, and failure is not final
You are a goal-oriented person. And you have achieved your goal. The longing ahead is the goal of life. Let the whole life be an aspiration, and then it will have a highly beautiful clock. Thank you for the post.
Great story. People can get suggestions from your succeed. Thank you for sharing and please keep going.
I fully agree with you except on the point of schooling. You can have gone to school/college and be an entrepreneur, they are not mutually exclusive.
I am doing the same (no college either though) but have a website that is almost finished, have a server running and a few crypto projects slowly coming to fruition (mostly paid by steem income)
This platform has been a catalyst into the cryptosphere
you are one of the successful people in steemit and make a happy family and all the best you have achieved today.
Becoming an entrepreneur is indeed a value to the success of society. and this is a form of appreciation to you. @hilarski
entrepreneurship is a way of living life what you love to do the most don't go behind anyone lead the way in life
We all love to dream and try to transform dreams into implementation.
This post is amazing ... there is a real synchronicity between us (:D) I am reading for the moment the " Fast Line Millionnaire " ... And I try not to give up my project (even if it's so hard).... I am too much into approuval of others (or what they think!).
You post is feeding me !!!!! THANK YOU !
Approval is not needed that is for sure.
You need to study but what you enjoy and feel passion to do, in that way you will progress in that carrer, i mean if you don't feel passion for your job you are wasting your youth and time because when you disfrunt your work you will earn money surely and you will study because you want to know more and more about your passion. Great tag! teamhilarski
The quote about school is sadly true. While I went to school for 4 years getting two degrees, I did nothing to actually better myself and was just going through the motions. It wasn't until I actually got out of school and found my drive in life that I started learning on my own and becoming addicted to reading and absorbing as much information as I could. Schooling is important but your drive and motivation is what is going to define you and you're success.
decent and thanx for your authorization and now I feel free
in any case, in any case you are rihgty and truly we require numerous thing to change ourselves on the off chance that we live alone and have an exhausting life I and what you thinnk about yourself that to make new companions throughout your life @hilarksi
Very excellent and inspiring stuff for all steemians. Thanks for sharing this informative blog.
Well done on your business success. It's early days for me but I'm on my way. I just need to find my first client.
Thank you sir @hilarski for this information good advice .
At the beginning it is uncomfortable, skeptical family and friends look at you strangely, or do not take your projects as productive. I think that the family "sometimes" expects you to fail and say "I told you so". I am in the middle of your path or maybe less, but now everything is an impulse for me and I am achieving my dreams. I am very happy to meet A1 people who make and fulfill their dreams. Many people are from Steemit.
Very inspiring stuff. There's so much info out there, it's easier to find info on our passions and pursue them. Thank you for the encouragement!
hahah nice and thanx for your permission and now i feel free lol
but anyway you are rihgty and really we need many thing to change ourselves if we live alone and have a boring life i and what you thinnk about yourself that to make new friends in your life @hilarksi? nice to tell me about @sunscape its really new news for me
Follow her.
ok thanx and now followed her man
You alway give us newbies or entrepreneurs great advices. I’m working on it.
Thank you!
with your post I am motivated, I will keep trying.
we have only one life, and we should not waste it on something that would be unsuccessful. You gave a good direction, and showed in a personal example that everything is possible! It is necessary to want is the main component.
it is necessary to communicate with the people who support your ideas and views, you must constantly learn and develop, and most importantly spend time talking with those people who have achieved success in the business you are striving for.
Thank you, great motivation
Awesome post! Like you said, you need to be prepared for struggles, and lots of them. But the worst day as an entrepreneur still beats the best day as a slave (although sometimes you might doubt that. lol)
The great thing about the internet age is that you're able to learn about pretty much anything that interests you. Information is available to us at home and even on the go. There have been times recently where I've spent entire train journeys reading about ICO's and crypto projects.
It's the entrepreneur's dream because you can make use of any time to perfect your craft. Get out there and do what makes you happy!
Thank you so much @hilarski for guiding and inspiring many people here on the steemit. Yes i am a huge Fan of your analytical approach and yes you gave me a deep message of Patience again in your this blog. I am really much obliged to you for giving me the positive energy for my journey to carry.
My Support and Respect is always with you
Stay Blessed, Steem On!
Great your publication, keep it up, brother. Greeting from Latin America
I definitely agree on your statement of simply reading books. There are so many insightful business books out there that will inspire individuals. Often-times when kids are told to read more, they think it is to read stories...but non-fiction reading is usually even better :).
Randy this one is KICK ASS bro! Totally resteemed! Man you're so right about all you said, could not have said it better. Elon just killed that comment on Harward haha. Hey is @sunscape your mom? So happy you mentioned her! Following her. Thanks for this fantastic article bro, really made my morning! Funny and insightful, right up the alley of Randy @hilarski style!
The road to entrepreneurship can be sad, an isolated world... like you said, you won't find that many people who have the passion and drive. Sometimes, even friends and family will bring you doubt and negativity. It can be hard to block those thoughts, but yes, only persistence is the key.
True that, my road was lonely.
This is very inspiring Randy! I am in this boat right now! I started a clothing company right out of college back in 2013. The competition is incredibly fierce and we just couldn't compete with the likes of Guy Harvey, Southern Tide, and Southern Marsh.
I have recently started a trash company that I am working on growing from the ground up with $0 of invested capital. Things are still moving slow, but every day is a grind! Being around like minded people is incredibly important!
Most startups fail even with money. If you can't manage time with no money how will you do it when you have money?
Amen! You are spot on there!!
Have been an entrepreneur for 20+ years and never looked back. Nothing beats being your own boss!
Dam Straight!
I have been debating returning to school or learning a trade after a recent layoff. College is a gamble these days but reading this has motivated me towards more entrepreneurial endeavors. How did learning sales help you the most? What books would you recommend? The uncomfortable position you put yourself in is very similar to me at this point. I also married a supportive and business minded woman.
How did you develop your income and your online presence, just blogging? I have been following you for a while now and your posts have been very helpful. Thank you!
Keep my eyes on my goals. Finishing school is a goal that was forced upon you. Entrepreneurship is a goal that is voluntary so it is 100% dependent upon you. Building the brand took years of work but we were profitable in year one. Blogging and social media go hand in hand.
BOOOM! Wow wow wow wow, dude still I don't know what to say! I got this passion and I started my business with 100% budget! Still branding, so far so good. Honest is the key and it's the success. Having no good backup, but I am manageable! Why don't you think to expand your business to Sri Lanka? Just asking, coz I got a huge set of followers and got a type of crypto supplier business as well. If interest then proceed!@hilarski,
Anyway, excellent post! I mean it!
I already have you in mind. Token Magic will be huge.
I will check your business model and hope to contact you at FB!@hilarski,
very inspiring story, I salute @hilarski for your struggles to success. keep it up.
@hilarski, i read your post from top to's wowww. i passed with the same path in business, my recent one just failed. almost ashamed to say but i failed many times. your story is amazing. inspire me a lot..
I'm not going to say college is the only way, but a lot of successful non-college-educated entrepreneurs go way too far in discounting it.
Now, I get it, it's getting incredibly expensive, too expensive actually in the US, and you'll learn a lot of crap you don't care about. The funny thing is, as my career has advanced I've used more and more of the stuff I didn't want to learn. Hell, this would probably be a much more convincing comment if I'd paid attention to my written argument class! (Hilariously I argued against liberal arts requirements for technical majors in that class...)
Aside from the subjects one learns and the new ideas one can be exposed to there's the networking aspect. Who you know is hugely important, it can help define the opportunities one has. I have my current job literally because someone knew someone, who also went to the college I went to so they thought I was a good candidate.
Another perfect example is Mark Zuckerberg, who literally built Facebook because of, and with the help of, his college network.
If I'd realized the importance of a well-rounded education and of networking when I was in college I'm sure I'd be much further along in life right now. Probably retired on a nice tropical island actually...
Anyway, point being that you don't necessarily need college but it can definitely be useful.
He didn't finish college. The value was the people he met. Which I discussed heavily.
As I discussed the value of the people he met... and yes as you said you meet people working in the trades as well, but does that mean everyone should work in the trades?
While he didn't finish college he did make it through two years and undoubtedly used the knowledge he acquired.
The reality is that people can succeed without college, but statistically chances are improved for college graduates:
Great Post!
I truly appreciate this post!
Thanks for sharing & Steem On :)
being an entrepreneur is a risky position, which can also be very profitable. You may experience very stressful situations, but you will also feel that you are doing professionally and will be able to reap the benefits of your work. It's not as hard as you'd like to believe (if you know how to be organized, patient and have a good idea of course) and you can become your own boss faster than you expected .
I am glad to know that you found your voice. Your constant struggle has paid you with success and love. Your story is really inspiring for all the people who are following your footsteps.
Your advice on the particular issue is very sound and practical. I really appreciate your talent and struggle to get most out of your passion.
I think that the initiative is very important in any work, and at the right time, the right initiative should be taken in the right place to make any work easier
Sometimes the people aren't supportive and that makes trouble to me. It's really informative! Keep sharing!
nice post on entrepreneurs like your post 😊
Thanks it motivated too much friend thank you again for your efforts i really appreciate that i followed you waiting for more
The tweet by Elon Musk...just awesome!
Waooooo amazing.. Great motivation.. I want to be enterprenuer but my family refused to support me.. They are not in favour of a woman being an enterpprenuer so finally i am here at steemit.. Its also good and amazing to be here.. Follow and resteem this amazing article.. Thanx for motivating me
It is about making you think from a different perspective.
Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing.
sir you are good humanity man
i like your all work sir
have a nice day
Thank you for all advices that you give us I wis If I can join to your team Mr @hilarski