My Struggle with The Education System and The Difficulty of Finding My Path in Life.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I Followed a Path That was Well Worn But It Only Lead Me to Struggle.

Like many of you I listened to my elders, parents, friends and counselors while I was in high school. I was an above average student that did quite well on my University entrance exams. School for me was never a challenge. I was the student many of you hated. I would go home and play basketball for hours and then play video games after dark. Homework was not something I did. I literally did not care how it hurt my grades as long as I graduated with a B average.

Then after a missionary trip, brainwashed as a child, I decided I wanted to be a Doctor but my Father told me straight up that he would not pay for my University. So I looked around and decided I would not qualify for any scholarships or financial aid because we were a middle class family. So I graduated from East High School in Rochester, NY and decided to join the US Navy as a Hospital Corpsman (Nurse on Steroids). I hoped that this path could lead me to medical school.

Within a year of being in the Navy, I figured out that I did not want to be a Doctor. Medicine really did not interest me. The best medicine could do for me was pay the bills. So I stayed in the Navy for seven years, traveling and collecting my paycheck. I pursued a bachelors degree in Aviation Safety at night because I loved planes. I ended up 3 classes short of my bachelors but finished my major. Why would I want to take statistics?

Me in 1993


What Do I With My Life?

In 1999 I left the Navy I did not know what the hell to do. To make this as uncomplicated as possible I will share with you how crazy my life was for the next 10 years.


I moved to Columbus Ohio and worked as a pizza delivery guy while I attended one semester of Bible College. In 2000 I took a job as a sales person at Sprint PCS where I made great money. I also worked with the Youth Group at our church. We had about 400 kids in our youth group. It was a fun time of my life but also a confusing time. This is when I lost my religion.

The Confusion was Real.

Part of 01

I moved home to Rochester NY and once again worked with Sprint PCS. Life Sucked! I was so lonely, the weather was bad and I was not making the money that I made in Columbus.


My Moroccan friends from Columbus convinced me to move back in order to help them with their business. Why not, so I packed my bags and moved back. We had fun but I was not accomplishing anything. So I decided it was time to give up my dreams and go get my RN (Registered Nurse) degree.


Once again I moved back to Rochester NY where I attended Monroe Community College. I used my GI Bill and lived with my best friend for the first year. I hated school but I made so many great friends at this time. I also was able to land a great job at a local hospital working as a mental health tech (counselor). I quit school before the next semester because I was making decent money.

The Shit I Have Seen Can't be Unseen.

Then I tried my hand at a government job. I joined the Veterans Administration. I quit after 3 months because it was unbearable. Thank goodness I never quit my position at the hospital.

So I continued on at the hospital working 70 hours weeks. I would work 6 months and then take long vacations. I would often travel to Ethiopia.


I moved to Tampa, Florida with my Brother who was a Navy Chief working at the Air Force base. He invited me down to help him build a side business he joined. We worked with Doctors setting up vitamin stores in Doctors offices. We had fun and partied like rock stars. We were hanging out with professional athletes and very wealthy people. This was my first chance to see the possibilities of life.

Then my Brother was shipped off to Iraq for a year, the economy collapsed and I had no place to live. So I took a job at a local hospital working once again as a mental health counselor. I also was forced to move 30 minutes away from downtown because I could not afford to live in South Tampa any longer.

After working my butt off for six months I decided it was time to take a vacation. So I went to Ethiopia once again and upon my return I found out my boss was letting me go. WTF!

Randy, You're Fired.

I spent the next few months confused. Thankfully my Brother returned from Iraq before I ended up homeless. I moved back in with him but I was literally destitute. My car loan was 3 months behind so they repossessed it. I called one of my best friends and she let me borrow $600 to buy a Trek bicycle to get around with.

I knew one of the nurse managers at another local hospital so I would call her every week asking if there were any positions available. After the 8th or 9th week she said, "come in for an interview". So I rode my bike to the interview in sweltering heat with my suit packed in my bike bags. I changed in the Emergency room bathroom. I was hired on the spot and started the following week.

Financially the beginning of 2008 was great for me. I was able to build up savings and buy a nice stack of silver and gold. Then my Brother got married, left the Navy and we all decided to move back to Rochester, NY. Here we go again. This time I made the decision following someone else's lead. What the hell was I thinking? I had a great job in Tampa and a simple life!


After a few months home I took a job at a VW and Mazda dealership in sales. I also asked my parents to help me buy a house. We bought a foreclosure and fixed it up. Here is the article I wrote about the house, "Sometimes Doing What Everyone Else Says is Crazy is the Best Option in Real Estate."

My House in Rochester.

Life was relatively easy in Rochester. I had a house, a good job and my family was nearby. The problem was that I was unfulfilled. I did not feel like I was doing anything with my life.


So in mid 2010 I visited Panama for a week. I returned again in January and decided that living in the US was not for me. So I reluctantly let someone rent out my house and I made the jump. In the beginning it was rough. I had less than $5k to my name when I made the move.

Panama 2010.


I had a job lined up before leaving but it was commission only. That did not scare me because I have been in sales on and off for years. I excelled beyond what I could ever imagine. The owners of the company asked me how I was doing it. I told them I was using social media to find leads. They then asked me if I wanted to be a partner in a new marketing company.

I Found My Path.

After a decade of having zero direction I found my way. That partnership only lasted one year but it led me to start my own company with @AnaHilarski and the rest is history. We went on to building a niche company in the world of Crypto Currency. Our rise was not without its own difficulties but I did not care because I knew I found what direction I should go in.

Crypto Christmas 2017 with Us.


If You Have Not Found Your Path Yet Don't Worry.

You don't have to be as unhitched as I was. The key is always to be searching and trying new things. My uncertainty made relationships, work and everything in my life more difficult. I recommend having something solid as a base while you are searching for your true inner desires.


This is the longest post I read about you.
Whoa! You have been everywhere.
It is good to know that you find how you want to live your life and write about it.
One question: Why Panama is the best fit for you?
Are they friendly to foreigners?
I guess so, maybe your experience could be more valuable since you live over there for a while.
Keep on steemin'

Panama is a true melting pot and a financial center.

I love reading these kinds of stories! It's just a truly authentic glimpse of someone's life, it's something we all can relate to as well. We don't have to have it all figured out yet either; I sometimes think of it as "it's just what is next" and being open to the opportunity or situation as it arises into our awareness.

The path opens opportunities in each step. We can walk to a destination and have a better ending in the next step. Your experience is an inspiration to many of us.

What a beautiful journey it was.

I don't know if anyone else has this fear or not, but I fear of doing the same thing throughout my life.

I will probably die of boredom than old age if I will live a monotonous life. So I decided to try as many things as possible, be it small jobs, startups, business, anything that I can get my hands on to find out what I truly want to do.

And after about 3-4 years of not doing particularly anything, I have found out something I love, and I will be doing it throughout my life.

I haven't figured out the definite plan, or strategy of how I will make things work, but I am happy with what I am doing, taking the baby steps.

I just hope I will be happy like you are at the end.

Thanks for sharing such a beautiful journey.

Just keep going forward and don't settle until you find that thing that brings you joy. It is super difficult but we only live once as far as I know.

Yepp, we live only once, and I want to make my journey worth sharing like yours.

Thanks for motivating me. Have a good day.

I read your whole article and it's really inspirational. Because you fired from many position too many times in your life but you didn't give up. You were detarmined that you gonna make something awesome in your life. After many struggle now you're on your own way with cryptocurrency. You got your real destination. I want to salute you @hilarski for your detarmination. It's really inspirational and many many good luck for your future, keep going . God bless you.

@hilarski sir...
Digital money can make us rich to deal with ourselves. I genuinely trust that. Be that as it may, what I additionally accept is that it will influence us to sufficiently fit to serve the penniless also.

It is absolutely difficult for all to give. Every one is battling in their own specific manners. In any case, that is the magnificence of life is it not? One who has seen the intense time will identify towards the one enduring. Such a one when independent can promptly consider helping other people. When I put in endeavors to gain, I should put in little endeavors along to share.

One might be poor out of absence of education, another might be expected life's weight of overwhelming obligations, another might be out of sheer apathy and some might be not able meet the sudden needs of life. In any case, the truth of the matter is same. They all need assistance. From numerous points of view it can be tended to.

Paths are so difficult to find.

I would state that every one of your counsellors and guides didn't actually "know" anything, they were just spouting the party line.

Go to college, get a j.o.b. (just over broke) and save for a retirement is bunk.
Books such as Worthless by Aaron Clarey show that most college degrees will never pay for themselves.

So, all of these guides are telling you about what they have heard, not what they really experienced, and all their hot air is antiquated.

Rarely do we have people that can tell young people where opportunities are out there, or even what to do with them. Instead we have a group of professors who were trained by groups of professors that only real experience has been ivory towers. Of course their guidance is useless for anything that doesn't deal with ivory towers.

finding a way in life is extremely troublesome for a great many people, and saldy, our training framework does not help us to discover it. It can take a long time to discover the way, yet at last... it's all justified, despite all the trouble!

I extremely like the photo with creatures taking the exam, it demonstrates the truth of instruction framework.

Wow man you in 1993

So different hehehe, i know the topic was different but i had to share it

went to the leaning tower same year, in june 1993 lol!

Wow, that was quite the ride!! Now I have to check back through your posts for any recommendations in Ethiopia!!

I actually have not written any but I should. The problem is that the country has changed so much in the last 15 years. They are modernizing quickly.

I'll keep an eye out.

Ineed, finding a path in life is really difficult for most people, and saldy, our education system does not help us to find it. It can take years and years to find the path, but in the end... it's all worth it!
I really like the picture with animals taking the exam, it shows the reality of education system.

wow this is a very informative post..thanks for bringing this kind of crucial topic into discussion..this is a very common problem in most of the countries but which they have failed to answer..nice analysis :)

Hello @hilarski
Its very nice steeming of life period and good working. Thanks for update.
All the best and nice blog

i like to read..always..i learn many thing from your post ...
it gives me so much plesant so easily...
just love to read your post...
i have nothing to explain..
such a great shared.

just salute you........

wow sir really nice your previous story
i love basketball as like you
thanks for sharing nice life story

Computerized cash can make us rich to manage ourselves. I really assume that. Nevertheless, what I moreover acknowledge is that it will impact us to adequately fit to serve the poverty stricken too.
It is totally troublesome for all to give. Each one is fighting in their own particular conduct. Regardless, that is the heaviness of life is it not? One who has seen the serious time will recognize towards the one persevering. Such a one when autonomous can instantly consider helping other individuals. When I put in attempts to pick up, I should put in little undertakings along to share.

thank you for the notice .. although you do not care about the lesson, but you success in the future ,, I am motivated

@ hilarski Your post is admirable and motivational with awesome picture.
Thanks for sharing precious post.
Stay blessed


well said

How nice picture Its really amazing ... So nice and very beautiful ...

Wow !

I'm delighted to see your journey. Not everyone have the courage to follow their path. The struggle may worn you out but the satisfaction you achieve when you realize on your the right path is immeasurable.

good working found your way.

Wow beautiful

beautiful pic sir.thank you

you have seen all the up's and down's in your life really a hard working man you are hat's off

Thanks for sharing your story.

I am at a transition point in my life right now; so this was quite inspiring to read. I'll likely talk more about it in a separate comment on a related (and recent) post of yours.

I'm climbing the tree but the tree is climbing at me back.

Thanks for sharing ex colleague. Changed a few places myself.

I loved your post... and they lived happily ever after! Thanks for sharing it! It's important to never lose faith and always start again!

At the end of the post i was like "what the story has ended?". I had actually dwelled deep into the story. Sometimes leaving a home behind works for some people. Crypto currency has changed the life of many who had a vision for it. It is still transforming many life's in its path.

As of this moment, I seem not to know my life's direction at the moment but I know things will get better. Thank you for sharing your story.

Your story is similar to mine, but without the military and exotic travel. I was that same kid in school that you were, and I've jumped from job to job because I hate working for other people. I've made and lost more money than I care to imagine. I'm currently struggling a bit financially, but have finally found my path, and it turns out, it's the one I said I wanted to be on way back in high school. Should have stuck with that one, but I felt like I had to explore.

There is an awesome Ethiopian restaurant in Tampa now, by the way. I eat there as often as I can with my friends. Driving home from it a couple of weeks ago, after dark, the beauty of downtown Tampa at night struck my like it never has before, and I suddenly really wanted one of those awesome new downtown condos. Sometimes, I miss Orlando (but not the traffic) and Albany, NY (but not the freezing winters and the snow), and I still haven't figured out where I really want to live. But downtown Tampa at night is really beautiful.

Thanks for this post! As an entrepreneur I can definitely speak to failures before successes. The image asking everyone to climb the same tree is so true. I did terrible in my younger years in school barely graduating high school and having to take the long way through university. It's funny how once you find your passion everyone thinks it was easy!

Life does tend to take us down many different paths, great read into how you managed to navigate them Randy.

As one door closes, another opens; this has been my philosophy down the road. Going along gaining knowledge, eventually finding the right place where you fit in and feel comfortable.

The post simple tells about not giving up. Don't sit down and expect changes, try any new innovation, new ideas and venture into a whole lot of things. A day is coming when all will work out fine and according to plan.

Dream are just for a day but reality last forever

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment