Stay Optimistic and Reap the Benefits.

in #life7 years ago


"Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you."

This one rule has been a crucial part of my life. For years I tested the rule and paid dearly for it. Now I surround myself with people who see the good things in life. It is amazing how the people you desire in your life show up when the time is right.

I am not perfect by any means. I still struggle daily with staying positive through all the ups and downs of life but if we make an effort to keep the eyes on the prize it sure makes it easier.

It really is not hard to surround yourself with the types of people you need on your path. The internet has made it easier to find your tribe. I literally spend more time talking to friends and peers around the world on Skype than I do talking to people in person. So I know it can be done.


Quotes Source

"I only attract good things in my life."


So True Great Post , I so believe in good karma and bad karma

The optimist created the aeroplane...
... The pessimist the parachute.

I am running a small giveaway with my latest post and would truly appreciate any support.

so true, the way you think is everything.
There are 3 types of baseball players: those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, & those who wonder what happens. -Tommy Lasorda

Great advice! It's amazing what can happen when you change your mindset.

I struggle a great deal with my cynical, more pessimistic side. I am constantly reminding myself of the amount of things I have going for me, and remembering to be grateful and thankful.

It is a battle some days, and lately my 'itty bitty shitty committee' seems to have come on with full force, primarily because I am at a crossroad with my career path and my insecurities feed my demons a four course meal sometimes.

Thanks for the reminder! We all need it every now and again.

I often tell my students that no matter what grades they get or what they have in the future so long as they do good things and remain positive they always be ok and probably better.

Good advice.

You have some lucky students @Solarguy!

So true! I think a lot of people miss the part where positivity is really a practice, not just something "some people are born with." I should know... I used to have a pretty doomsday like attitude! For me, pausing to take moments of gratitude for "what is" is a large part of generally living with a positive attitude.

Thanks for this post!

Even though I thought I was super positive in the end I wasn't. It has to become a practice like you say @Denmarkguy.

"a lot of people miss the part where positivity is really a practice" - Absolutely, it needs to become a habit - which can be a challenge if, like me, you've grown up in a v-negative environment and have been conditioned by it.

Interesting your point about accepting 'what is'; most people resist what is, but accepting it (which comes from recognising that it's just your thinking that's the issue), opens the door to serendipity and 'good luck' - that's been my experience, at any rate.

Nice KOI's and message! As Ichthyologist I have to ask you, where they farm KOI in Panama? I didn't know that.

Yup, our friend from the Netherlands has a farm here. He is the only licensed Koi dealer in Latin America.

I have found that things happend in life. It is a persons choice you can be positive or negative. Being negative does not change the circumstances. So why chose to be negative.

once again great article. when your getting older you seems to be negative because of the things you experience. its nice to come back to being positive again and do not give a f on negative people.

you've got to work at it that's for sure, this is a great post hilarski!, upvoted!

It's so true ! It's all between the ears ! With our thoughts, we manifest !

I've resteemed as well, great post.

I appreciate that!

Great post, couldn't agree with you more! We are literally living magnets so definitely stay to the positive. Thanks for this.

But sometime an ooptimist tends to think of himself as the greatest. Therefore, pessimists will seem a little arrogant. Greta post @hilarski

Agreed with you 100%. That is also my philosophy

Wow! This is an awesome advice @hilarski. I have followed you, because I like Positive Minded People. UP & RS

Raining other another's parade doesn't make the sun shine brighter on you!

Everything goes through thoughts, actions and words (that's why Albert Einstein in the photos comes out with his tongue out, he knew it). What is given is received. You give joy, affection, money, etc., you receive joy, affection, money, etc. It is a universal law.
Good article!!

I agree that it is a struggle to maintain positive thoughts all the time. However, I do believe that "We attract what we put out into the universe". So what I also do is look in the mirror (usually in the mornings) and say I love you. We say I love you to friends and family but we never say "I love you" to our self.

Absolutely true, I once spent the happy 5 years online with my late American husband. My body lives in a world, my soul is just communicating with people in another world. But with enough money, we can go to any place freely! Internet and blockchain are the wonderful tools for us!

Couldn't agree more, @hilarski. Lindsey Vonn has a similar quote - "Life changes very quickly, in a very positive way, if you let it."