Lucid dreaming can be scary if you suddenly feel out of control and unexpected things happen. How can one make sure the dream stays lucid?
Lucid dreaming can be scary if you suddenly feel out of control and unexpected things happen. How can one make sure the dream stays lucid?
What you are asking makes no sense. And not for any logical reason.
In order to lucid dream, you have to work through controlling your own mind.
Suddenly feeling out of control, is not something that you should be letting happen.
Now, being in the dreamscape, there are other, outside, entities that may try to make contact. And their energies will have impacts on your dreams. You need to be aware of such entities, and learn how to push them out of your mind if they are unwanted.
If you are not already good at simple meditation, I would not even attempt lucid dreaming.
You should be able to quiet your thoughts at any moment. You should have a firm grasp on which voices are in your head, and which are from outside. You should have started working on your shadow self and reintegrating, so that you will know, and recognize what things may seep into your dreams from the subconscious.
And, you need to learn to jump. The way you leave a dream is you jump. I am not speaking physically, but everyone who has done it, describes it as such.