1 457 Days Ago.. Was The Last Time I Saw My Father. - I Never Believed in Reincarnation until Today.

in #life9 years ago

This is not fiction. This is a true story. My story.

What is Reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a different physical body or form after each biological death. It is also called rebirth or transmigration, and is a part of the Saṃsāra doctrine of cyclic existence.

Now when we've cleared that, I can say that I've never believed in reincarnation. Not once. I'm not a religious person. I do believe in "something" but not an almighty god or anything like that.

I suffer from panic anxiety and I've been doing that for the past 4 years now.. Ever since my father passed away. The thing is, that my father died in front of me. I tried to revive him but I couldn't. I did everything I could.. And I failed. It was impossible. - He died at home.

Due to the anxiety and the frequent panic attacks I have, I ultimately met a psychologist. I've been seeing her for the last 2 years now.

Anyhow, I thought I'd share this story with you..

I went to the Memorial Garden today. (I think that's the name for it in English?) Perhaps it's Memorial grove or place..?

However, I went there today. I've only been there 2 times since my father passed away. So this was the third time. The first time I went there I went with my mother and my older brother. The second time, I went there with my shrink. The third time, today, I went there by myself.

Truth to be told.. It was one of the hardest things I've done in life.

Despite the anxiety and despite the panic I had .. I arrived at the Memorial Garden.

  • It's beautiful. It truly is wonderful.

I sat down and took a few breaths before I started to talk. I talked loud and clear. I told my father that I was there. I told him that I did everything I could to help my mother and so on..

I explained things to him.. And I also told him that I miss him.

After a few minutes of talking I asked him to give me strength so I could endure and manage everything that happens in my life right now..

  • And this is the amazing part of this story.. At least it is for me.

A bird came flying at that exact moment and sat down on top of the stone.

You can see it here:

I know it's not the best picture but I only had my phone with me and I didn't want to scare the bird by going closer.

The bird played around for a bit on top of the stone. You see, it's water coming down from there. It's a water tap. So the bird drank some water and probably wanted to cool off a bit.. So the bird played around in the water for a while.

So at the exact moment when I asked my father for strength and during the time I sat there on the bench and talked to my father about life and everything that happens right now.. This bird sat there.. The whole time.

  • Was it my father?

I don't know. How could anyone tell..?

The thing is.. That I don't believe in these kind of things.. But after today.. Even if I won't go that far to say that I'm a believer.. I do have a more open mind to it at least. And I wish it was him.

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Your story gave me goosebumps! That happens to be a truth meter for me!-- So you could very well be right! Oh and i've had many such signs in my life-- too many to not have meaning! Peace! (Wish i could give you more votes!)

Thank you, I appreciate it. It truly felt amazing. :)

That was so touching!

I've been had similar experiences in the past after my best friend was killed. I saw him in certain birds (he was fan of the Crow movies) and acts (like things suddenly falling over, lights going off or on at the seemingly perfect time...bear in mind he was a joker type.)

While I'd never been a 'believer' (beyond conservation of energy), it definitely got me thinking (which hasn't stopped since.)

Thanks for sharing!

Thank you :)

I have never felt anything like that, or experienced anything similar at all.. So it was truly an amazing feeling.

Hindus believe in re-incarnations since thousands of years, every year during a certain period, people feed the crows, it is believed that they are connected to the deceased. The food they feed reaches to our ancestors.

I believe in reincarnation. In India and even just around me, I have heard a lot of stories with facts that make you think. Information so accurate that there is hardly any reason not to believe it. I haven't myself experienced anything yet but yes, I can say I am a believer.

Your story and your writing is great.