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RE: ADSactly Life: The Known Smells...

in #life5 years ago

I believe that we have all atrophied our sense of smell, because the regime is more alive than ever

Very true. I do believe many people have an uncanny sense of anticipation to read people and events; but in this day and age, it has become increasingly difficult to aticipate or predict anything. We cannot even know whether a fact is a fact. There is never a way to know for sure whether an event actually happen, why and its real participanst and implications.
We can't trust anyone. We can't never tell for sure who is telling the truth and who is using us for some hidden agenda. In that scenario, it is easier for totalitarian regimes such as Maduro's to perpetuate itself. Cuba has done it, Russia has done it, China has done it... and it goes on and on... No fortune teller predicted that or their demise for that matter


There is a saying that there is no evil that lasts a hundred years or a body that resists it. But apparently there are evils of that age and bodies that still endure worse things. As proof, the countries you mention. The fall of this government is already tiring me and sincerely, I lost almost all hope. Some diseases are terminal and this government has already metastasized. Desolador, but true! Hugs to you, @hlezama.