nice writing, but I believe you have to add many things to this subject. and it will make it longer than this to fit in a single post!
one example: "to achieve our desires often need to make an effort"
it depends on your ideology. not all desires need same kind of effort.
People who live the moment, they live in eternal peace with no effort! they've just came to the belief, that life ends exactly where they stop living the moment. As Ludwig Wittgenstein says "If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present."
So maybe it's not the right time, but later you may try to teach your beloved child to define life, joy, happiness and then she can live in eternal peace with whatever she has made or given by her parents.
I really liked your thoughts! Thanks for the response!
You're welcome. I like communicating, contribution and engagement
Something that regretfully steemit lacks!