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RE: EU Coups Romania, Threatens to Coup Germany and France to Press World War III

in #lifelast month

Most poignant of all, Ursula Von der Leyen's chilling psychopathy rubs salt in Romania's wounds as they are being sacrificed again.

Painfully accurate. What cheek, to tweet that picture (reading "Our children will be free") when she's among the chief jailers of this country. A lot of people here seem to believe Trump's inauguration will herald better times for us, what more can one do but hop they're right? In the end, though, I fear it will remain up to the people (as in 1989) to fight for their freedom or be swallowed by the machine.

"Our children will have better amenities and be told that's freedom" would've been a more accurate sign.


There are factions in hierarchical institutions, just like in gangs shooting at each other to control turf. The faction that includes Ursula is the NATO EU, that is hell bent on WWIII. There is no list of who is in what faction in these hierarchies, and, indeed, deception and duplicity is a fundamental weapon in the interfactional struggles over control of these hierarchies. Just how deceptive is Trump regarding what faction(s) he is in? It's impossible for little 'ol me to know. If the faction(s) he is in are more profitable to him by opposing the NATO EU faction Ursula Von der Leyen is in, then the EU Patriot faction, the Romanian people, and Georgescu, will be increased by what Trump brings tomorrow.

However, as you note, Romania is not without control over it's fate. All the nations of Europe are in fact subject to the will of their people that is competent in all of them to decide which faction they are in. The multiplicity of weapons being used against the people right now are attempts to convince those populations to choose - or at least not effectively oppose - the NATO EU faction. Psyops.

First psyops, and then bombs.


I hope we stick to the psyops, personally. Very well argued, thank you, that brought clarity. You're right about the factions - it's tempting to fall into that vaguely conspiratorial thinking that says for sure someone is in charge and has a fixed plan, when really it's more likely that it's a bunch of somebodies all struggling to do what they think would be a better plan of attack (for them or the world, I think that varies). That suggests chaos and we don't like to think in chaos.

Oh well, I suppose only time will tell...