College Life

in #life7 years ago

When a student gets complete his school education, he enters in college life. College life a spicy life has quite difference than school life. It can say that a new life has been started. This life is also astonishing and changed. In school life, there are some sanctions and limitations but in college, a boy is beyond them. Such freedom differences his social life too. He himself has to study to achieve the targets and to success in exams. The college professors behave with the students more civilly than the school teachers. The students get more honor and self respect from college because professors try to develop & polish it. Some of students become nervous at this stage. They do not know what will be happened next? Will they manage & face it?
In other side, college life is also a bucket of happiness. They get there many new friends. Such companionships become a pleasure part of life against the school life friendships. The students also start the mature life. They feel themselves responsible person of college, society and family. It shows that a college life brings more changing in student’s life. The students also miss their school class fellows but when they find new college friends, they forget everything gradually.
There are also different clubs and social activities in college. More opportunities to take a part in healthy activities like, dramas, games and recreation. Frequent sports games and contests made them perfect and enhance their minds thinking. The boys sing songs and play some dramatic roles. For a while, they forget every pain and grief of life.
The college union is also makes a student more liable and energetic. Trips programs also organized which become most memorable parts of life. After that, boys talk for a long time about the trips. They kept the pictures and share them with each other.
The students also left the type of fundamental study and start the same independently. The boys come to know the right way of study. They do not depend just on books. They learn and studied from different methods and ways. The professors also play supporting role to help them. The difference between professors and students becomes too short. It is also joy full for each student when the professors meet them politely and civilly. In this way, the students find what the key point is, solve problems or find answers by themselves. We also learn how to employ our knowledge to apply in study.
Some of students wasted their time in unhealthy activates like politics and bad society. It is true that the students have to concentrate on their study and healthy activities otherwise it is a great chance of destroying their bright future. Students should avoided by evil associates and respect the liberty of college life. If they do so, they will never forget the excitements of college and it will be sparkling in their whole life.
In conclusion, it may say that college life leads to a perfect and successful life.

College life is spicy, happiness and freedom life. No limitations and sanctions are not in college life. College student becomes a liable and energetic person. College life leads to a perfect and successful life.

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