What Do We Deserve?

I'm of the mindset that everything we have is a gift. Nothing more. I say this because there are tons of factors that go into our achievements that we simply cannot control. Things have to line up for us to even accomplish things and so because of that it feels that things are given to us. Well this is just my take on the topic and thanks to everyone for giving input on this subject. Much love.
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Fortunately I'm not in a position where I'm depending on Steemit income to put bread on the table. This makes it a lot easier for me to relax about my rewards. They're a bit intangible anyways since I haven't cashed any out, so it's just a number that seems to grow (albeit slowly).
Anything I get is a plus. There have been people who have supported and blessed me in my interactions on Steemit, but they don't owe me anything. And just because they may have given me votes or even auto-votes in the past doesn't mean they're obligated to give them to me in the future. They're a gift. Situations change and they're free to do what they want.
I like your message about thinking of things as gifts because if we have that mindset, then rather than being upset when we don't get as much stuff as we want, we can be grateful for the stuff that we do get. Living a thankful lifestyle is a much healthier way to go, in my opinion. :)
Hey man! Do you have a particular point that you'll cash out at?
I don't really have a point that I'm planning to cash out as of yet. My thinking has been very milestone oriented. After getting rid of the Steemit delegation at 15 SP, my goal was 50 SP so I could have (virtually) unlimited bandwidth. After that, my goal has been to get to 500 SP so I can have the slider bar on my own. I've had it for a while due to delegations from kind people like you and abh12345 (I tag him a lot, so no tag here). I'm' closing in on that, but haven't really set the next goal.
There are also other implications once I start taking money out that I have to consider, like taxes. I don't understand how all of that works, but I'm sure that Uncle Sam wants a piece of the pie. Until I take something out, I think I should be fine. I don't really know though. I'll have to consult my tax professional.
It would be nice to get something from Steemit. I have been powering up because that's more valuable than the $20 or whatever I would get if I were to cash out. Maybe once I have a few thousand SP I'll be able to take some of the profits. There are a lot of moving pieces and so my answer could change at any time. ;)
On the tax stuff I'm just sitting tight until I cash some out. It's weird because it's like earning money that you don't plan on using since it's also an investment. It seems gray but I'm no expert.
Actually,Sometimes there is a difference in what we get and deserve.Some times we are suitable another way. But we have to do other way,This can be for the job, if not In the environment we live in.
@humanearl one thing that you are forgetting is that everyone should be grateful for what they already have and not what they deserve. Everyone out there is better off than someone else. Even people that would be considered poor may be in great health and someone wealthy can be very sick. Everyone should just be grateful about what they have. If they start doing that, it will bring better things to them over time. The key is how you deal with your situations and accept them instead of just reacting to them.
Yepp. I got an even better idea of being thankful for what you have when I went to Jamaica some years ago. The people don't have alot but yet when you interact with them they are the warmest souls to meet on earth.
Yes an interesting title What We Think We Deserve VS. What We Really Deserve: Response To Comments. Thank you
Yes that's nice your opinion is fantastic love to watch your work and specially your thought is fantastic
@humanearl, That would be most encouraging video indeed post. Actually what we deserve..... It can fin via our thoughts. We will hope negative and positive thoughts. But very deserve one is positive. Our mind controlling must important in fact.
Our mindset has alot to do with how we approach life. This is why I choose to be thankful for what I have as opposed to developing a mindset of entitlement.
nice video good work top it my friend
some great thoughts everyone shared we deserve quite a lot and quite a lot not too its all about our hard work :)
Yo i just saw this vid i don't understand the whole mindset of your community and your work for now but,
I dont know why you are speaking as if people can't think they deserve something and be thankfull for it ... why don't you talk about balance ! I trully believe that balance is the most important think that you have to work on. Because that's how you as a person, as a spirit can work on yourself and became a better person !
The point I'm making is that we all deserve nothing but death. Just think. There are people who are working hard in the world but may live their whole lives in poverty. There are so many factors that go into what people have that is just out of your control. If you say you deserve something that's the equivalent of saying someone or something owes you something. We are owed nothing. Only death.
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That's humbling. Thanks for the love!