I Keep Seeing These Numbers. What Do They Mean?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Is God Trying To Tell Me Something?

Triple numbers are everywhere. I have never seen anything like this my entire life. At first it was was really weird. Now I'm getting the feeling that I need to pay attention. But to what though?

It all started roughly 3 months ago. I started feeling really weird. I don't know how else to explain it except to say that I felt like I was in a dream. It was as if things around me were not real. At this point I have experienced this about 3 times in all over those last 3 months. 

Not long after the first dream like experience I started noticing triple numbers pop up everywhere. 

111, 333, 444

These numbers keep showing up. I randomly look at the clock to check the time and one of these sets of numbers are there. Last night something crazier even happened. I first saw 3:33 on the clock and then 1 hour and 11 minutes later I once again happened to randomly look at the time to find it was 4:44. No lie. I have no explanation for this other than speculation. 

In my entire life I have never been into reading numbers and stuff. But I know numbers, especially in scripture, are very symbolic. What I am experiencing is unexplainable and it is happening too often for me to just write it off as coincidence. 

Numbers I've seen in the last 2 or 3 months and the estimated frequency:

  • 111 (5x)
  • 1111 (3x)
  • 333 (7x)
  • 444 (3x)

Over and over they are there. I can't come up with any reasons but if there are any reasons I would imagine that they are good ones. This whole number thing is something I really want to explore. So let me know what you think and share your thoughts in the comments. Much love and peace. 

Have you ever noticed triple numbers like this and what do you think they mean?

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Synchronicity of this kind is a well known phenomena. It is best to feel into the situation to understand the causality of their appearance in your reality. Every atom in existence has a path that is being effected by numerous intentions which must be felt to be known.

11:11 is a common key code that is seen during periods of growth and change, for me it represents the idea of reflection and the awareness that physical reality is a reflection of our own inner being - thus when we see the alignment of the 1s and also the reflection, we see an encoding of the power of oneness, unity, interconnectedness and alignment with all of that through our actions.

wow lei tu comentario en un momento y me puse a pensar que ese numero de verdad tiene algo especial porque lo he visto hasta en peliculas y en muchos eventos importantes en la historia..

Well if 11:11 means growth and change that's exactly what's happening. But so far I've heard a few different explanations.

That cannot be a coincidence as you have repeatedly seen amazing numbers when you were not expecting to see them though. There are divine forces to play underhand we cannot know exactly.

We receive nothing but what we give. The Universe is all about numbers if we look in this context. For example, protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, molecules and so one. Mere changing of numbers can result in very awesome and different results. Only adding or subtracting numbers can wholly transform outlook, composition and characteristics.

Numbers have played very important roles in ancients cultures all over the globe. From ancient times to the modern times people have speculated different concepts of numbers to play a role in lives of people.

The numbers that you have experienced are very organised like stars align to affect positively on the world. I hope these numbers will be a source of joy and enlightenment in your life.

Love it. Hopefully they are a message of good thing to come. I believe they are but I'm not totally sure.

Believing is everything my friend. Surely they are a harbinger of good things to come by your way.

I really have no idea too what the numbers could mean, especially to you. I guess I've seen it once or twice too in recent times, but I just ignored it.

Concerning your calling and your burning desire, I believe God truly has a great project for you, which you have already started to manifest. Your activities here on steemit are proof of a kind and encouraging person. Personally, I have come to be a better person in some form by reading your posts and seeing your videos. I have come to appreciate every tiny thing around me.

To explore to the full extent of that your burning desire inside you, you will need to continue in your actions and listen to God more, this time, not in the numbers because the numbers could also be a form of distractions from God's plan for you. I do not believe in astrological signs and symbols because I see them as philosophical beliefs or even spiritual manipulation. By God's Spirit, He will lead you to where He needs you to be and you will function optimally.

Peace be with you brother...

I think there much truth and wisdom in what you say. thanks brother for giving me the advice. I needed this. Peace to you man.

This may mean nothing, but if your spirit is strongly convinced that God is trying to tell you something, I advice that you go to Him in prayers!
I once watched a TV series where a boy has a special gift/power of juggling information with numbers. God is awesome you know! May be as you watch the episodes at your spare time, you might find out your gift.
Here is the link to an old film 'Touch'

I've connected with Him in prayer. I don't know what it all means.

My gift is encouraging and motivating people. So many people that I don;t even know have confirmed this in addition my heart being on fire to encourage people. Also I have taken many spiritual gift tests and those were also the results.

This is my answer for your question...
Have you ever noticed triple numbers like this and what do you think they mean?....

Are you seeing numbers, triple numbers and they're "flashing" their significance to you? Do you see a succession of these same numbers throughout your day? There is a message being brought to you to be aware of! These messages are being brought up in numbers and symbols for you to awaken to! Your Guides, Angel Guides are helping you in your journey and want you know of their significance........

◇.111 - An energetic gateway has opened for you, rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring they match your desires. Don't put any energy into any fears at all, lest you manifest them.

◇. 222 - Have faith. Everything's going to be all right. Don't worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.

◇. 333 - You've merged with the ascended masters, and they're working with you day & night - on many levels. They love, guide, and protect you at all times.

◇. 444 - Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth Angel yourself. You have nothing to fear - all is well.

◇. 555 - Major changes and significant transformations are here for you. You have an opportunity to break out of the chrysalis and uncover the amazing life you truly deserve.

◇. 666- It's time to focus on Spirit to balance and heal your life. Tell Heaven about any fears you have concerning material supply. Be open to receiving help and love from both humans and the angels.

◇. 777 - Congratulations! You have listened well to your Divine Guidance and have put that wisdom into fruitful action. You're now reaping the rewards. Your success is inspiring and helping others, so please keep up the good work.

◇. 888- The Universe is abundant and generous, and you've learned how to step into the shower of its ever-present flow. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future.

◇. 999 - Get to work, Lightworker! The world needs your Divine Life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred misssion without delay or hesitation.

Thanks you so much @humanearl for this wonderful and interesting topic...


Wow this is pretty cool. I get the feeling that this is the case but I'm still unsure. It makes sense for where I am in life right now but idk.

Thanks alot for helping out.

Your payouts are skyrocketing!

I gave the gods a gift yesterday and made an oath. 2 minutes later birds were flying in an arrow formation over my head symbolizing a Tiwaz rune which stands for honor, justice, authority and leadership.

The best thing is that I got it recorded.

Yesterday was truly a day full of divine lessons.

Man I'm walking in my gift that's all. I'm humbled really.

Mind blowing stuff you mentioned. There's more to this life than what we see on the surface. I believe the spiritual realm is realer than our realm.

When I think about it Atheism is so limiting... they want hard facts for everything otherwise it doesn't exist.

Lack of evidence does not proof lack of existence.

There are so many universes we do not have a number for it.
The infinite sign describes it very well.

There are things we can not see yet, we can detect xrays which are naturally invisible. I wonder what else is out there...

I am certain that gods can take possession of us without us realizing it therefore nobody can proof it.

There are things "outside" that are more powerful than we can comprehend and that I know 100%.

Ahh. Good point. Just because there is no evidence does no mean it is not real. But having evidence definitely helps your argument. I would rather go towards the stronger evidence though.

Yes there are so many things that we have no idea about.

Oh and also before I forget. You are now on my autovote list. This way I don't miss upvoting any of your work.

I have been seeing a variety of sequences for probably close to a decade and things in my life have worse than they have ever been. The sequences I've been seeing for sometime, now, are 222 and 444. Their meanings seem encouraging but since things are getting horribly worse in my life, seeing now seems to be more mocking in nature than it is encouraging. My feeling is that whatever is behind this phenomenon is sinister in character rather than benevolent. I have asked these entities to either stop sending me these "messages" altogether or else to please send assistance, and I continue to be ignored, which to me means that all this is one big joke on me and that the entities are nothing more than sadists who enjoy human suffering.

Wow, you mean things havnt been going well for you since you started seeing that sequence? Well i don't think I want to attribute the numbers with whatever goes wrong in my life. I feel they are just funny occurencies and to know that there are others like me gives me a relief , atleast it shows I am normal....lolzz

@kouba01 Oh dang. Have you heard of anyone else who's life has gone bad since seeing those numbers?

I see triple #'s all the time. It's funny because when I first noticed that I was seeing triple #'s it was the # 666. So obviously that freaked me out, but I think that number kept coming up so that I would recognize the other triple digits I was not paying attention to. So now I see 222, 444, 333, 555, 777 and sometimes 999. I think 444 and 333 are the most common for me now that I've been noticing the numbers. So I looked online to see what they mean. If it's true what I've read online then it's good, they are angel numbers. I'll see 11:11 or 12:22 or 2:22 on a regular basis now. According to internet the #222 "Angel Number 222 encourages you to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life. The message is to keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths."

I would be freaking out if I saw 666 too. We all could use more faith too. Thanks for sharing that.

Hahahaha...now I don't know whether to tell you not to be afraid or not because this happens to me like all the time. Moat times when I even come across is, I would tap someone by my side and ask him or her to look at it as that may be the first and last time he or she would be seeing such. It's funny to see that it happens to you too but I have never ascribed any meaning to it.

It might have a meaning, it might not...but I just always let it pass. It's a good thing that you have brought it up. Mayb someone here might have a reasonable explanation .

I'm like you. I have no clue. It's just strange though. I'm not afraid at all though.

That's the spirit bro, no fears...God is in control . Whether good or bad, he's got our lives in his hand.

Same here, the past few years I've been seeing 111, 1111 and 222 all the time. 222 was my daughters due date, and the first ultrasound of her was dated at 11:11 that day even though that wasn't the time.

Since then I keep seeing them, they remind me that there is something else at work here, almost like the world is giving subtle reminders to us. Not 100% sure what they mean, but plenty of people online have ideas haha, not sure about trustworthiness of those sites though

I've gotten so many variation and meanings.Not sure what's actually the truth. It is interesting to think about though.

I think these numbers have significant influence in your life and these recurring must have some indication or signal almighty wants to convey and I think you should consult with a expert like numerologist in this regard and he can guide you in a much better way.

Thank you and Have a great day.

So far I am praying about it. I would like to really know what it all means.

I have been seeing those numbers for a few years now and it correlates with my spiritual practice. I think there are many interpretations of what each number means, but I think its all how you personally interpret it. To mean it means I am in alignment, I am connected to my higher self, source or God. Whenever I see those numbers, its just a reminder to me that I am on the right path and it always makes me smile and think "Yes I'm doing really well".

I really believe I am too on the right path and this may explain the numbers. Kudos to you for really living out who you are. I love hearing that.

Hello @humanearl my friend

Figures play a big role in our life. There is a science that tells us by numbers it is called numerology. It is believed that the date of our birth is the code for our life. Knowing certain information, we can know our purpose and learn our strengths.

In your case, there is a warning about the coming changes in life. Certain numbers carry a certain value, but nevertheless I believe that this happens for a reason. Everything in our life has meaning and your task is to learn it.
The number 3 is a symbolic number, it has a set of values.

These numbers you see only you, so it is you who are prepared to learn about them. I'm sure that you work hard in your life and help people. I'm sure that God sees this and he prepared something for you. It can be a test or a gift in the form of life changes. But you are a good person and therefore you will soon share with us nice and good news. I believe in it:)
Thank you, be blessed

Man I believe what you say. I really do. Thanks for this it means alot to me.

I have seeing 111 for a very long time, especially when checking the time.

I am not a religious guy. But I started seeing 111 after the realization of the message in Ecclesiastes 11: 1.

I just read that verse after you told me. Interesting.

Do you know this when you fill in wather in a cup and every drop fills it just perfect to the top?

..Or you want to call a friend and just in this moment this friend calls you?

..when you wake up just at a exact time, for example 07:00 pm?

Well I haven't had those experiences but I just keep seeing triple numbers and recently I felt weird again. As a matter of fact a couple days after this post I felt like I was in a dream again.

Number 3 is an odd number that I think odd numbers are believed to bring good luck, as evidenced by the many beliefs that are Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or Khong Khu Chu almost all of these religions have a favorite count is an odd number.
In addition, the number 3 is also seen as a special number because it is a symbol of life.

Interesting. I know in the Bible there are countless symbolic numbers. Maybe it's a sign. I'm just not sure what it means though.

Personally I don't believe in numerology, so I would be the poorest person to make any prediction out of it.
The reason I don't believe in number is because I think if I made any number lucky for me, then there are chances I perhaps end taking ill intuitions from some of the numbers that's I really don't want.

I think numbers can be used as symbols. But in this case I have no clue what it all means.

Interesting.i heard somewhere but not sure.111 is angels number.its a sign that angels near you.But not sure buddy.i havnt done any research on it.

People have said that. I'm not sure though.

@humanearl - Sir my guess is all those numbers are Lucky numbers... Get a lottery ticket based on them Sir... You will win it Sir...


I have no clue what it all means.

Figures play a big role in our life.
But if you are mediocre, then you can with verbal say 2 options-it's an accident and this is a regularity. There is a pogorka for this - the first time is an accident. The second time is a coincidence. The third time is a regularity.
Your case can be regarded as a regularity.

What would give the right answer is to go deeper into this phenomenon. I personally know people who argued that they encountered similar phenomena. They claimed that it was a sign of "attention". You need to look at everything that is happening around you - changes are coming. The Universe (or God) teases you about it. By whom the "randomly" said phrase can be the answer to your question.

Psychological views Internal signals of your brain ... give you the answer to the upcoming difficult situation in your life ... remember these figures they will be useful to you ... you have the ability about which you most likely do not particularly guess ... nothing happens for no reason ...

Right. Everything happens for a reason. It's crazy how I've been using my gift here on Steemit and things have been going really well with people. At the same time I started seeing these numbers. Maybe it's just confirmation that I am on the right track.

Actually it's hard to get that kind of experience! 3:33 and 4:44 yeah I have never experience something like that before! Therefore, I can't imagine your feelings about it!
In Cricket those numbers are not lucky numbers. 111 = Nelson in cricket.
@humanearl, Read here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_(cricket)

But I don't know, sometimes those are the lucky numbers of yours! Who knows! Anyway some rare thing happened yesterday night!


3 haunts me all the time

Yea so far people have given me different explanations so I'm lost about it.

coincidence or may be some sort of Illuminati that is going to give a hint of upcoming changes happens many time in life

I don't think it's coincidence though because I have never ever in my life seen this. That's why I find it so weird.

When ever I see 13 number in the clock something very bad happens and I usually take this number as a cautious indication to my life and I have seen numericals have very great influence to understand the omen in our life.

So you must take it seriously and consult an expert.

Thank you..steem on and stay blissful....

I'm not sure if that's the case. But it's something I will keep looking into.

111 is a sign that it is time for you to manifest your dreams and goals
333 is a sign that you are not guided only by angels, but also by the Ascended Masters. Also, it is a sign that you are spiritually gifted.
444 is a sign that you also have Archangels watching over you. They encourage you to continue your path with braveness.

I hope this is the actual meaning. I mean there have been variations of the meaning of it all. Maybe this is what it means though. Thanks for giving input.

an interesting thing i didn't had this experience so would not lie what it actually means infact i got to learn something from everyone regarding the best thing about steemit

I have no clue either so no worries.

@humanearl, That's harder to find triple numbers meanings. I have no more experience and I didn't try find like these. 777 is a lucky triple number. Also as Cricket, British persons didn't like to see cricket score of their team like as 111, 222, 333 etc....They called it Nelson, double nelson, triple nelson onward. UK most believe in Cricket scoring, triple numeric is unfortunate one; they trust exactly out any player in triple numeric level. I've seen England umpire Mr. David shepherd didn't like triple number score level and he was weird. Only I have these experience. Another don't know any meanings.

Someone else mentioned a Nelson in cricket. I have only seen the game played a few times on tv.

i swear i see those numbers all the time, same shit happened to me...weird man, bless up pn di music

That's crazy. I'm still trying to figure it out.

When you do let me know rasta, cause I want to figure it out as_well

Welcome to numerlogy friend. If I were you I would type in google "numerlogy calculator" and find your life path number. Numbers could also have an astrological meaning as well but it would take too long for me to explain. @humanearl here are some explanations I saved from my facebook group. I myself am a Lifepath 11 and I have been seeing 11's for many years. Check it out man and see if the explanations hold true to you.

Hehehe...ok now this is funny. I just knew someone would come up with an explanation but the problem is, "is it true or not?" . Well who know?

Thanks for giving the info. I will pray and hopefully figure out if this all lines up.

I really don't know what to say to you cos its strange to me. Never heard or experience this before so i can't conclude that it may be this or that. But i'm sure you know the One who unfold misteries. He is the One you should talk to right now for understanding.

Exactly. That the plan for now. I have prayed about it.

The power of 3 is real! I am a professional daytrader and the rule of three comes up a lot when discussing the cyclical nature of the market. And who makes the market? Humans. (well sort of) There is something universal about the power of 3.

Numbers have meaning for sure. Just not sure what this means at this point in my life.

I don’t know about triple digits, but I’ve heard that 1111 is something bad and to stay away from.

I've gotten so many different explanations. I have no clue what it all means.

I'm not good of interpreting dreams or even this type of expirience you are having @humanearl. What i can advice you is that pray and ask guidance from God what was this means because this numbers has meanings too. Is any situation you're thinking before seeing this numbers?

No I have only seen these numbers continue to show up within the last couple of months. Before that I never saw these triple numbers that much at all.

Ok, Maybe it was just an accident or arbitrarily seen them

I think number 3 contains the mystical, as these are odd numbers, for example when going to the shaman, he asked the color of the 3 colors, and also he said 3 colors can expel the evil spirits in the House ...
Maybe it's just a myth

Not sure. All this is interesting though.

Yeah bro I am seeing these numbers too especially in my watch and plate numbers of cars. At first I don't pay much attention to it but when I read your post, I can smell something's up. Hmm. But what it is? Maybe sometime it will be revealed to us. Let's just hope nothing bad will happen. We just keep praying man.

See! It's just hard to ignore because they keep popping up everywhere.

Yeah haha. Fate just keeps on playing.

I swear i can feel my Coyote eyes and ears this week, I'm trying to understand it myself.

Maybe the sequences are different messages to different people.

Just pray and trust God bro @humanearl, thats the key of everything😇😇

Even me bro , I dont even know that one. But all I know is EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON, God will bless us always bro.

For some reason I get the feeling it's God trying to communicate bro but I just don't know what He is trying to say if that's the case. I have prayed about it.

Personally speaking the number 333 has great influence in my life and when ever I come across this number very frequently there is always some good news I used to get and this is my personal experience.

Some people have said what you say. That good comes from it.

its hard to explain such a phenomenon that happens but thrice happened withe me like this 11:11 and people think this is really positive

Yea some say it's positive but then ther's others who say it may be bad.

I sure hope buddy they are a good sign for you !Sth good might be waiting for you on the coming days !

Hope so man!

Hahhaa... maybe God is telling you the end is near...

Well I do believe the end is nearer than we think. Maybe that's the message. Idk. I have prayed about it though. Thanks.

great photo
great life
great post..

Beautiful post sir thanks for sharing your video @@@humanearl


nice post

wow very nice post.

I think people used to call that fire "agape."

These are good numbers. Know the numerology. It will guide you through :) goodluck