Since the beginning of human history this word has been around. But what is it? What does it look like on a day to day basis? Is it just a 9 to 5 or what we call a job? What we know of as a job often gets mistaken for work. But I want to make a case that work is bigger than that.
You see, our work is supposed to be meaningful and life giving. So many of us voluntarily or involuntarily do work that is unfulfilling and life threatening. Enough is enough. You were made to do meaningful work. Passionate work. Work that helps others and inspires people. At this point in my life I am saying no to work that makes me feel miserable and threatens my mental health. I know it is not perfect by any means but since I've said no I've noticed that I have more energy to pursue the things I actually enjoy.
Don't Bother Me, I'm Working
Hopefully you will consider the things you do on a day to day basis and ask yourself some serious questions.
You alive mate? Haven't seen a post in 5 days.
I'm alive!!!. And one thing you'll notice about me is I'm like the ocean. I'll pullback from time to time but when I come back I surge . Just my work flow. Surge and pull back. Haha that's the best way I can explain my sometimes unexplainable absences
Glad that you are back. You haven't missed much tho, Steemit seems to be more stable than the last 5 days. It was down and unresponsive as hell.
That is some deep philosophy. Most of us are happy with average money making work.
It is okay if you do something which brings in a value. Nice thoughts buddy.
Do what you love and live your life to the fullest if you got a chance. Some people never have a chance.
We have to push past the fear of failure
Work what you love to do, and where the time has no meaning! Your kid is adorable bro :D
Yes, Agree with you. Work is now Life for majority of the people in the world due to money. It is good that your now enjoying your life. Your removing the work that is not healthy for you. Somethings that is not working, we should stop and rethink things. If we need to move on from it. A lot of people are trap from their work due to the fact that if they leave it, it will give them "CHANGE." Which is very uncomfortable to a lot. It's nice to see that your saying 'NO' to work that isn't healthy for you. Thanks for sharing again. I can relate to you more and more.
Saying no has been one of the best decisions I've made. It takes much courage and guts to choose to simply LIVE.
i humanearl,
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"What makes you energized"
Writing meaningful content on Steemit about Odinism, Gang, Money, Psychology, Masculinity and helping others with that to improve their life 100000%
Besides that, I love sitting in the forest listening to birds and reading a book at the creek without any fucking car sounds or people being stupid.
Other things that give me energy: Working out and taking cold showers or baths.
Oh and yeah, getting rid of negativity in any form, that includes jobs, people or whatever. Removing energy sucks from my life logically gives me more energy.
I say continue to do those things then. Most people are too afraid to do what energizes them because of what society says and just plain fear. I'm not afraid anymore so I do the things that I'm fired up about. If I'm broke or wealthy doing it doesn't matter to me. I know I have unimaginable wealth elsewhere.
Yes! That is true, something I didn't realize yet. Once you quit the 9-5 and work for yourself you are not afraid anymore to try new things.
Passion and uncertainty make it very exciting. The fear life and being stuck in a place always doing the same, I wonder how people manage to do that their whole life. I need fire in my life.
By the way, I was going on a little exploration yesterday like you said to just do it. Went into areas of the forest I didn't know yet and found some Cannabis plants. Guess I am not as alone in this place as I thought!
However, it felt exciting to go where I haven't been before and it refreshed me somehow and it was fun. I felt like a little boy seeing something for the first time.
I will do this much more often now. Gotta satisfy my Wanderlust!
I know the feeling. It's exactly how you describe it. When we become adults we lose that sense of free play and adventure. But for me and my family we embrace it like little kids. You can say we're childish lol. Keep exploring and creating. We were made to do that
Yes. We are shamed so much in our society, and people always give in with the hope to be accepted.
Fuck that shit, I am who I am.
work becomes enjoyable when we do things which we love to do :)
Some times life brings us to situation where we can not handle things by our own ,but it still goes on .
And it is the truth we should do what we enjoy
just ah perfect click!!
Yeah! Value our infinite happiness and enjoyment
Nice post bro...
small that in the carrying your son ya ... ??
My little girl.