
in #life7 years ago

IMG_20180811_132627.jpgHobby or no hobby! No matter what you do, keep doing it an make sure you just keep doing it well with regular improvement. If few people appreciate it, fine and good. Even if nobody likes it, also fine and good! Listen the fact that no one appreciate is the main reason why you should improve on it and make it attractive.
You might have competitors but dont loose focus on the goal and the core reason why you started whatever you started.
Last night i was hungry, when i got to my kitchen, it was only rice that was left. I was really fed up with rice so i was completely disgusted by even the simple sight of rice. Then what else will i eat? I thought to my self and guess what was hungrying me, (dont mind my grammars) it was noodles! Then I thought to myself, what if there was no noodles? What if noodles were never invented? And am quite sure the guy(s) that started noodles production must have faced some discouragement initially buy see now, i has paid off! And many competitions are still trouping noodles production.
So their friends i encourage you all to come alive with that your idea no matter how little or impossible it may seem now. No matter how difficult the startup might be, just have focus and with God, we will meet at the top.
Have a nice day!.